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“Poor Cassy!” said Emmeline; “don’t feel so! If the Lord gives us liberty; perhaps he’ll give you back your daughter; at any rate; I’ll be like a daughter to you。 I know I’ll never see my poor old mother again! I shall love you; Cassy; whether you love me or not!”
The gentle; child…like spirit conquered。 Cassy sat down by her; put her arm round her neck; stroked her soft; brown hair; and Emmeline then wondered at the beauty of her magnificent eyes; now soft with tears。
“O; Em!” said Cassy; “I’ve hungered for my children; and thirsted for them; and my eyes fail with longing for them! Here! here!” she said; striking her breast; “it’s all desolate; all empty! If God would give me back my children; then I could pray。”
“You must trust him; Cassy;” said Emmeline; “he is our Father!”
“His wrath is upon us;” said Cassy; “he has turned away in anger。”
“No; Cassy! He will be good to us! Let us hope in Him;” said Emmeline;—“I always have had hope。”
The hunt was long; animated; and thorough; but unsucomessful; and; with grave; ironic exultation; Cassy looked down on Legree; as; weary and dispirited; he alighted from his horse。
“Now; Quimbo;” said Legree; as he stretched himself down in the sitting…room; “you jest go and walk that Tom up here; right away! The old cuss is at the bottom of this yer whole matter; and I’ll have it out of his old black hide; or I’ll know the reason why!”
Sambo and Quimbo; both; though hating each other; were joined in one mind by a no less cordial hatred of Tom。 Legree had told them; at first; that he had bought him for a general overseer; in his absence; and this had begun an ill will; on their part; which had increased; in their debased and servile natures; as they saw him becoming obnoxious to their master’s displeasure。 Quimbo; therefore; departed; with a will; to execute his orders。
Tom heard the message with a forewarning heart; for he knew all the plan of the fugitives’ escape; and the place of their present concealment;—he knew the deadly character of the man he had to deal with; and his despotic power。 But he felt strong in God to meet death; rather than betray the helpless。
He sat his basket down by the row; and; looking up; said; “Into thy hands I commend my spirit! Thou hast redeemed me; oh Lord God of truth!” and then quietly yielded himself to the rough; brutal grasp with which Quimbo seized him。
“Ay; ay!” said the giant; as he dragged him along; ye’ll cotch it; now! I’ll boun’ Mas’r’s back ’s up high! No sneaking out; now! Tell ye; ye’ll get it; and no mistake! See how ye’ll look; now; helpin’ Mas’r’s niggers to run away! See what ye’ll get!”
The savage words none of them reached that ear!—a higher voice there was saying; “Fear not them that kill the body; and; after that; have no more that they can do。” Nerve and bone of that poor man’s body vibrated to those words; as if touched by the finger of God; and he felt the strength of a thousand souls in one。 As he passed along; the trees。 and bushes; the huts of his servitude; the whole scene of his degradation; seemed to whirl by him as the landscape by the rushing ear。 His soul throbbed;—his home was in sight;—and the hour of release seemed at hand。
“Well; Tom!” said Legree; walking up; and seizing him grimly by the collar of his coat; and speaking through his teeth; in a paroxysm of determined rage; “do you know I’ve made up my mind to KILL you?”
“It’s very likely; Mas’r;” said Tom; calmly。
“I have;” said Legree; with a grim; terrible calmness; “done—just—that—thing; Tom; unless you’ll tell me what you know about these yer gals!”
Tom stood silent。
“D’ye hear?” said Legree; stamping; with a roar like that of an incensed lion。 “Speak!”
“I han’t got nothing to tell; Mas’r;” said Tom; with a slow; firm; deliberate utterance。
“Do you dare to tell me; ye old black Christian; ye don’t know?” said Legree。
Tom was silent。
“Speak!” thundered Legree; striking him furiously。 Do you know anything?”
“I know; Mas’r; but I can’t tell anything。 I can die!”
Legree drew in a long breath; and; suppressing his rage; took Tom by the arm; and; approaching his face almost to his; said; in a terrible voice; “Hark ’e; Tom!—ye think; ’cause I’ve let you off before; I don’t mean what I say; but; this time; I’ve made up my mind; and counted the cost。 You’ve always stood it out again’ me: now; I’ll conquer ye; or kill ye!—one or t’ other。 I’ll count every drop of blood there is in you; and take ’em; one by one; till ye give up!”
Tom looked up to his master; and answered; “Mas’r; if you was sick; or in trouble; or dying; and I could save ye; I’d give ye my heart’s blood; and; if taking every drop of blood in this poor old body would save your precious soul; I’d give ’em freely; as the Lord gave his for me。 O; Mas’r! don’t bring this great sin on your soul! It will hurt you more than ’t will me! Do the worst you can; my troubles’ll be over soon; but; if ye don’t repent; yours won’t never end!”
Like a strange snatch of heavenly music; heard in the lull of a tempest; this burst of feeling made a moment’s blank pause。 Legree stood aghast; and looked at Tom; and there was such a silence; that the tick of the old clock could be heard; measuring; with silent touch; the last moments of mercy and probation to that hardened heart。
It was but a moment。 There was one hesitating pause;—one irresolute; relenting thrill;—and the spirit of evil came back; with seven…fold vehemence; and Legree; foaming with rage; smote his victim to the ground。
Scenes of blood and cruelty are shocking to our ear and heart。 What man has nerve to do; man has not nerve to hear。 What brother…man and brother…Christian must suffer; cannot be told us; even in our secret chamber; it so harrows the soul! And yet; oh my country! these things are done under the shadow of thy laws! O; Christ! thy church sees them; almost in silence!
But; of old; there was One whose suffering changed an instrument of torture; degradation and shame; into a symbol of glory; honor; and immortal life; and; where His spirit is; neither degrading stripes; nor blood; nor insults; can make the Christian’s last struggle less than glorious。
Was he alone; that long night; whose brave; loving spirit was bearing up; in that old shed; against buffeting and brutal stripes?
Nay! There stood by him One;—seen by him alone;—“like unto the Son of God。”
The tempter stood by him; too;—blinded by furious; despotic will;—every moment pressing him to shun that agony by the betrayal of the innocent。 But the brave; true heart was firm on the Eternal Rock。 Like his Master; he knew that; if he saved others; himself he could not save; nor could utmost extremity wring from him words; save of prayers and holy trust。
“He’s most gone; Mas’r;” said Sambo; touched; in spite of himself; by the patience of his victim。
“Pay away; till he gives up! Give it to him!—give it to him!” shouted Legree。 I’ll take every drop of blood he has; unless he confesses!”
Tom opened his eyes; and looked upon his master。 “Ye poor miserable critter!” he said; “there ain’t no more ye can do! I forgive ye; with all my soul!” and he fainted entirely away。
“I b’lieve; my soul; he’s done for; finally;” said Legree; stepping forward; to look at him。 “Yes; he is! Well; his mouth’s shut up; at last;—that’s one comfort!”
Yes; Legree; but who shall shut up that voice in thy soul? that soul; past repentance; past prayer; past hope; in whom the fire that never shall be quenched is already burning!
Yet Tom was not quite gone。 His wondrous words and pious prayers had struck upon the hearts of the imbruted blacks; who had been the instruments of cruelty upon him; and; the instant Legree withdrew; they took him down; and; in their ignorance; sought to call him back to life;—as if that were any favor to him。
“Sartin; we ’s been doin’ a drefful wicked thing!” said Sambo; “hopes Mas’r’ll have to ’count for it; and not we。”
They washed his wounds;—they provided a rude bed; of some refuse cotton; for him to lie down on; and one of them; stealing up to the house; begged a drink of brandy of Legree; pretending that he was tired; and wanted it for himself。 He brought it back; and poured it down Tom’s throat。
“O; Tom!” said Quimbo; “we’s been awful wicked to ye!”
“I forgive ye; with all my heart!” said Tom; faintly。
“O; Tom! do tell us who is Jesus; anyhow?” said Sambo;—“Jesus; that’s been a standin’ by you so; all this night!—Who is he?”
The word roused the failing; fainting spirit。 He poured forth a few energetic sentences of that wondrous One;—his life; his death; his everlasting presence; and power to save。
They wept;—both the two savage men。
“Why didn’t I never hear this before?” said Sambo; “but I do believe!—I can’t help it! Lord Jesus; have mercy on us!”
“Poor critters!” said Tom; “I’d be willing to bar’ all I have; if it’ll only bring ye to Christ! O; Lord! give me these two more souls; I pray!”
That prayer was answered!
1 This poem does not appear in the collected works of William Cullen Bryant; nor in the collected poems of his brother; John Howard Bryant。 It was probably copied from a newspaper or magazine。
Chapter 41
The Young Master
Two days after; a young man drove a light wagon up through the avenue of China trees; and; throwing the reins hastily on the horse’s neck; sprang out and inquired for the owner of the place。
It was George Shelby; and; to show how he came to be there; we must go back in our story。
The letter of Miss Ophelia to Mrs。 Shelby had; by some unfortunate acomident; been detained; for a month or two; at some remote post…office; before it reached its destination; and; of course; before it was received; Tom was already lost to view among the distant swamps of the Red river。
Mrs。 Shelby read the intelligence with the deepest concern; but any immediate action upon it was an impossibility。 She was then in attendance on the sick…bed of her husband; who lay delirious in the crisis of a fever。 Master George Shelby; who; in the interval; had changed from a boy to a tall young man; was her constant and faithful assistant; and her only reliance in superintending his father’s affairs。 Miss Ophelia had taken the precaution to send them the name of the lawyer who did business for the St。 Clares; and the most that; in the emergency; could be done; was to address a letter of inquiry to him。 The sudden death of Mr。 Shelby; a few days after; brought; of course; an absorbing pressure of other interests; for a season。
Mr。 Shelby showed his confidence in his wife’s ability; by appointing her sole executrix upon his estates; and thus immediately a large and complicated amount of business was brought upon her hands。
Mrs。 Shelby; with characteristic energy; applied herself to the work of straightening the entangled web of affairs; and she and George were for some time ocomupied with collecting and examining acomounts; selling property and settling debts; for Mrs。 Shelby was determined that everything should be brought into tangible and recognizable shape; let the consequences to her prove what they might。 In the mean time; they received a letter from the lawyer to whom Miss Ophelia had referred them; saying that he knew nothing of the matter; that the man was sold at a public auction; and that; beyond receiving the money; he knew nothing of the affair。
Neither George nor Mrs。 Shelby could be easy at this result; and; acomordingly; some six months after; the latter; having business for his mother; down the river; resolved to visit New Orleans; in person; and push his inquiries; in hopes of discovering Tom’s whereabouts; and restoring him。
After some months of unsucomessful search; by the merest acomident; George fell in with a man; in New Orleans; who happened to be possessed of the desired information; and with his money in his pocket; our hero took steamboat for Red river; resolving to find out and re…purchase his old friend。
He was soon introduced into the house; where he found Legree in the sitting…room。
Legree received the stranger with a kind of surly hospitality;
“I understand;” said the young man; “that you bought; in New Orleans; a boy; named Tom。 He used to be on my father’s place; and I came to see if I couldn’t buy him back。”
Legree’s brow grew dark; and he broke out; passionately: “Yes; I did buy such a fellow;—and a h—l of a bargain I had of it; too! The most rebellious; saucy; impudent dog! Set up my niggers to run away; got off two gals; worth eight hundred or a thousand apiece。 He owned to that; and; when I bid him tell me where they was; he up and said he knew; but he wouldn’t tell; and stood to it; though I gave him the cussedest flogging I ever gave nigger yet。 I b’lieve he’s trying to die; but I don’t know as he’ll make it out。”
“Where is he?” said George; impetuously。 “Let me see him。” The cheeks of the young man were crimson; and his eyes flashed fire; but he prudently said nothing; as yet。
“He’s in dat ar shed;” said a little fellow; who stood holding George’s horse。
Legree kicked the boy; and swore at him; but George; without saying another word; turned and strode to the spot。
Tom had been lying two days since the fatal night; not suffering; for every nerve of suffering was blunted and destroyed。 He lay; for the most part; in a quiet stupor; for the laws of a powerful and well…knit frame would not at once release the imprisoned spirit。 By stealth; there had been there; in the darkness of the night; poor desolated creatures; who stole from their scanty hours’ rest; that they might repay to him some of those ministrations of love in which he had always been so abundant。 Truly; those poor disciples had little to give;—only the cup of cold water; but it was given with full hearts。
Tears had fallen on that honest; insensible face;—tears of late repentance in the poor; ignorant heathen; whom his dying love and patience had awakened to repentance; and bitter prayers; breathed over him to a late…found Saviour; of whom they scarce knew more than the name; but whom the yearning ignorant heart of man never implores in vain。
Cassy; who had glided out of her place of concealment; and; by overhearing; learned the sacrifice that had been made for her and Emmeline; had been there; the night before; defying the danger of detection; and; moved by the last few words which the affectionate soul had yet strength to breathe; the long winter of despair; the ice of years; had given way; and the dark; despairing woman had wept and prayed。
When George entered the shed; he felt his head giddy and his heart sick。
“Is it possible;;—is it possible?” said he; kneeling down by him。 “Uncle Tom; my poor; poor old friend!”
Something in the voice penetrated to the ear of the dying。 He moved his head gently; smiled; and said;
“Jesus can make a dying…bed
    Feel soft as down pillows are。”
Tears which did honor to his manly heart fell from the young man’s eyes; as he bent over his poor friend。
“O; dear Uncle Tom! do wake;—do speak once more! Look up! Here’s Mas’r George;—your own little Mas’r George。 Don’t you know me?”
“Mas’r George!” said Tom; opening his eyes; and speaking in a feeble voice; “Mas’r George!” He looked bewildered。
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