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bright; a mist was over the meadow; making it look like a greatlake; and; indeed; it was once so; as the legend tells… and in themoonlight the eye realizes these myths。

Then the man thought of what he had been reading in the town; thatWilliam Tell and Holger Danske never really lived; but yet live inpopular story; like the lake yonder; a living evidence for such myths。Yes; Holger Danske will return again!

As he stood thus and thought; something beat quite stronglyagainst the window。 Was it a bird; a bat or an owl? Those are notlet in; even when they knock。 The window flew open of itself; and anold woman looked in at the man。

〃What's your pleasure?〃 said he。 〃Who are you? You're looking inat the first floor window。 Are you standing on a ladder?〃

〃You have a four…leaved shamrock in your pocket;〃 she replied。〃Indeed; you have seven; and one of them is a six…leaved one。〃

〃Who are you?〃 asked the man again。

〃The Moor…woman;〃 she replied。 〃The Moor…woman who brews。 I was atit。 The bung was in the cask; but one of the little moor…imps pulledit out in his mischief; and flung it up into the yard; where it beatagainst the window; and now the beer's running out of the cask; andthat won't do good to anybody。〃

〃Pray tell me some more!〃 said the man。

〃Yes; wait a little;〃 answered the Moor…woman。 〃I've somethingelse to do just now。〃 And she was gone。

The man was going to shut the window; when the woman already stoodbefore him again。

〃Now it's done;〃 she said; 〃but I shall have half the beer to brewover again to…morrow; if the weather is suitable。 Well; what haveyou to ask me? I've e back; for I always keep my word; and you haveseven four…leaved shamrocks in your pocket; and one of them is asix…leaved one。 That inspires respect; for that's an order thatgrows beside the sandy way; but that every one does not find。 Whathave you to ask me? Don't stand there like a ridiculous oaf; for Imust go back again directly to my bung and my cask。〃

And the man asked about the Story; and inquired if theMoor…woman had met it in her journeyings。

〃By the big brewing…vat!〃 exclaimed the woman; 〃haven't you gotstories enough? I really believe that most people have enough of them。Here are other things to take notice of; other things to examine。 Eventhe children have gone beyond that。 Give the little boy a cigar; andthe little girl a new crinoline; they like that much better。 To listento stories! No; indeed; there are more important things to be donehere; and other things to notice!〃

〃What do you mean by that?〃 asked the man; 〃and what do you knowof the world? You don't see anything but frogs and Will…o'…the…Wisps!〃

〃Yes; beware of the Will…o'…the…Wisps;〃 said the Moor…woman;〃for they're out… they're let loose… that's what we must talk about!e to me in the moor; where my presence is necessary; and I willtell you all about it; but you must make haste; and e while yourseven four…leaved shamrocks; for which one has six leaves; are stillfresh; and the moon stands high!〃

And the Moor…woman was gone。

It struck twelve in the town; and before the last stroke haddied away; the man was out in the yard; out in the garden; and stoodin the meadow。 The mist had vanished; and the Moor…woman stopped herbrewing。

〃You've been a long time ing!〃 said the Moor…woman。 〃Witchesget forward faster than men; and I'm glad that I belong to the witchfolk!〃

〃What have you to say to me now?〃 asked the man。 〃Is it anythingabout the Story?〃

〃Can you never get beyond asking about that?〃 retorted the woman。

〃Can you tell me anything about the poetry of the future?〃 resumedthe man。

〃Don't get on your stilts;〃 said the crone; 〃and I'll answeryou。 You think of nothing but poetry; and only ask about that Story;as if she were the lady of the whole troop。 She's the oldest of usall; but she takes precedence of the youngest。 I know her well。 I'vebeen young; too; and she's no chicken now。 I was once quite a prettyelf…maiden; and have danced in my time with the others in themoonlight; and have heard the nightingale; and have gone into theforest and met the Story…maiden; who was always to be found out there;running about。 Sometimes she took up her night's lodging in ahalf…blown tulip; or in a field flower; sometimes she would slipinto the church; and wrap herself in the mourning crape that hung downfrom the candles on the altar。〃

〃You are capitally well…informed;〃 said the man。

〃I ought at least to know as much as you;〃 answered theMoor…woman。 〃Stories and poetry… yes; they're like two yards of thesame piece of stuff; they can go and lie down where they like; and onecan brew all their prattle; and have it all the better and cheaper。You shall have it from me for nothing。 I have a whole cupboard…full ofpoetry in bottles。 It makes essences; and that's the best of it…bitter and sweet herbs。 I have everything that people want ofpoetry; in bottles; so that I can put a little on my handkerchief;on holidays; to smell。〃

〃Why; these are wonderful things that you're telling!〃 said theman。 〃You have poetry in bottles?〃

〃More than you can require;〃 said the woman。 〃I suppose you knowthe history of 'the Girl who Trod on the Loaf; so that she might notsoil her shoes'? That has been written; and printed too。〃

〃I told that story myself;〃 said the man。

〃Yes; then you must know it; and you must know also that thegirl sank into the earth directly; to the Moor…woman; just as OldBogey's grandmother was paying her morning visit to inspect thebrewery。 She saw the girl gliding down; and asked to have her as aremembrance of her visit; and got her too; while I received apresent that's of no use to me… a travelling druggist's shop… awhole cupboard…full of poetry in bottles。 Grandmother told me wherethe cupboard was to be placed; and there it's standing still。 Justlook! You've your seven four…leaved shamrocks in your pocket; one ofwhich is a six…leaved one; and so you will be able to see it。〃

And really in the midst of the moor lay something like a greatknotted block of alder; and that was the old grandmother's cupboard。The Moor…woman said that this was always open to her and to everyone in the land; if they only knew where the cupboard stood。 Itcould be opened either at the front or at the back; and at everyside and corner… a perfect work of art; and yet only an old alderstump in appearance。 The poets of all lands; and especially those ofour own country; had been arranged here; the spirit of them had beenextracted; refined; criticised and renovated; and then stored up inbottles。 With what may be called great aptitude; if it was notgenius the grandmother had taken as it were the flavor of this andof that poet; and had added a little devilry; and then corked up thebottles for use during all future times。

〃Pray let me see;〃 said the man。

〃Yes; but there are more important things to hear;〃 replied theMoor…woman。

〃But now we are at the cupboard!〃 said the man。 And he lookedin。 〃Here are bottles of all sizes。 What is in this one? and what inthat one yonder?〃

〃Here is what they call may…balm;〃 replied the woman。 〃I havenot tried it myself。 But I have not yet told you the 'moreimportant' thing you were to hear。 THE WILL…O'…THE…WISP'S IN THE TOWN!That's of much more consequence than poetry and stories。 I ought;indeed; to hold my tongue; but there must be a necessity… a fate… asomething that sticks in my throat; and that wants to e out。 Takecare; you mortals!〃

〃I don't understand a word of all this!〃 cried the man。

〃Be kind enough to seat yourself on that cupboard;〃 sheretorted; 〃but take care you don't fall through and break the bottles…you know what's inside of them。 I must tell of the great event。 Itoccurred no longer ago than the day before yesterday。 It did nothappen earlier。 It has now three hundred and sixty…three days to runabout。 I suppose you know how many days there are in a year?〃

And this is what the Moor…woman told:

〃There was a great motion yesterday out here in the marsh!There was a christening feast! A little Will…o'…the…Wisp was bornhere… in fact; twelve of them were born all together; and they havepermission; if they choose to use it; to go abroad among men; and tomove about and mand among them; just as if they were bornmortals。 That was a great event in the marsh; and accordingly allthe Will…o'…the…Wisps; male and female; went dancing like littlelights across the moor。 There are some of them of the dog species; butthose are not worth mentioning。 I sat there on the cupboard; and hadall the twelve little new…born Will…o'…the…Wisps upon my lap。 Theyshone like glow…worms; they already began to hop; and increased insize every moment; so that before a quarter of an hour had elapsed;each of them looked just as large as his father or his uncle。 Now;it's an old…established regulation and favor; that when the moonstands just as it did yesterday; and the wind blows just as it blewthen; it is allowed and accorded to all Will…o'…the…Wisps… that is; toall those who are born at that minute of time… to bee mortals;and individually to exert their power for the space of one year。

〃The Will…o'…the…Wisp may run about in the country and through theworld; if it is not afraid of falling into the sea; or of beingblown out by a heavy storm。 It can enter into a person and speak forhim; and make all the movements it pleases。 The Will…o'…the…Wisp maytake whatever form he likes; of man or woman; and can act in theirspirit and in their disguise in such a way that he can effect whateverhe wishes to do。 But he must manage; in the course of the year; tolead three hundred and sixty…five people into a bad way; and in agrand style; too。 To lead them away from the right and the truth;and then he reaches the highest point。 Such a Will…o'…the…Wisp canattain to the honor of being a runner before the devil's statecoach; and then he'll wear clothes of fiery yellow; and breatheforth flames out of his throat。 That's enough to make a simpleWill…o'…the…Wisp smack his lips。 But there's some danger in this;and a great deal of work for a Will…o'…the…Wisp who aspires to play sodistinguished a part。 If the eyes of the man are opened to what he is;and if the man can then blow him away; it's all over with him; andhe must e back into the marsh; or if; before the year is up; theWill…o'…the…Wisp is seized with a longing to see his family; and soreturns to it and gives the matter up; it is over with him likewise;and he can no longer burn clear; and soon bees extinguished; andcannot be lit up again; and when the year has elapsed; and he hasnot led three hundred and sixty…five people away from the truth andfrom all that is grand and noble; he is condemned to be imprisonedin decayed wood; and to lie glimmering there; without being able tomove; and that's the most terrible punishment that can be inflicted ona lively Will…o'…the…Wisp。

〃Now; all this I know; and all this I told to the twelve littleWill…o'…the…Wisps whom I had on my lap; and who seemed quite crazywith joy。

〃I told them that the safest and most convenient course was togive up the honor; and do nothing at all; but the little flameswould not agree to this; and already fancied themselves clad infiery yellow clothes; breathing flames from their throats。

〃'Stay with us;' said some of the older ones。

〃'Carry on your sport with mortals;' said the others。

〃'The mortals are drying up our meadows; they've taken todraining。 What will our successors do?'

〃'We want to flame; we will flame… flame!' cried the new…bornWill…o'the…Wisps。

〃And thus the affair was settled。

〃And now a ball was given; a minute long; it could not well beshorter。 The little elf…maidens whirled round three times with therest; that they might not appear proud; but they preferred dancingwith one another。

〃And now the sponsors' gifts were presented; and presents werethrown them。 These presents flew like pebbles across the sea…water。Each of the elf…maidens gave a little piece of her veil。

〃'Take that;' they said; 'and then you'll know the higher dance;the most difficult turns and twists… that is to say; if you shouldfind them necessary。 You'll know the proper deportment; and then youcan show yourself in the very pick of society。'

〃The night raven taught each of the young Will…o'…the…Wisps tosay; 'Goo…goo…good;' and to say it in the right place; and that's agreat gift which brings its own reward。

〃The owl and the stork… but they said it was not worth mentioning;and so we won't mention it。

〃King Waldemar's wild chase was just then rushing over the moor;and when the great lords heard of the festivities that were goingon; they sent a couple of handsome dogs; which hunt on the spoor ofthe wind; as a present; and these might carry two or three of theWill…o'…the…Wisps。 A couple of old Alpas; spirits who occupythemselves with Alp…pressing; were also at the feast; and from thesethe young Will…o'…the…Wisps learned the art of slipping throughevery key…hole; as if the door stood open before them。 These Alpasoffered to carry the youngsters to the town; with which they were wellacquainted。 They usually rode through the atmosphere on their own backhair; which is fastened into a knot; for they love a hard seat; butnow they sat sideways on the wild hunting dogs; took the youngWill…o'…the…Wisps in their laps; who wanted to go into the town tomislead and entice mortals; and; whisk! away they were。 Now; this iswhat happened last night。 To…day the Will…o'…the…Wisps are in thetown; and have taken the matter in hand… but where and how? Ah; canyou tell me that? Still; I've a lightning conductor in my great toe;and that will always tell me something。〃

〃Why; this is a plete story;〃 exclaimed the man。

〃Yes; but it is only the beginning;〃 replied the woman。 〃Can youtell me how the Will…o'…the…Wisps deport themselves; and how theybehave? and in what shapes they have aforetime appeared and led peopleinto crooked paths?〃

〃I believe;〃 replied the man; 〃that one could tell quite a romanceabout the Will…o'…the…Wisps; in twelve parts; or; better still; onemight make quite a popular play of them。〃

〃You might write that;〃 said the woman; 〃but it's best let alone。〃

〃Yes; that's better and more agreeable;〃 the man replied; 〃forthen we shall escape from the newspapers; and not be tied up bythem; which is just as unfortable as for a Will…o'…the…Wisp tolie in decaying wood; to have to gleam; and not to be able to stir。〃

〃I don't care about it either way;〃 cried the woman。 〃Let the restwrite; those who can; and those who cannot likewise。 I'll grant you anold bung from my cask that will open the cupboard where poetry'skept in bottles; and you may take from that whatever may be wanting。But you; my good man; seem to have blotted your hands sufficientlywith ink; and to have e to that age of satiety that you need not berunning about every year for stories; especially as there are muchmore important things to be done。 You must have understood what isgoing on?〃

〃The Will…o'…the…Wisp is in town;〃 said the man。 〃I've heard it;and I have understood it。 But what do you think I ought to do? Ishould be thrashed if I were to go to the people and say; 'Look;yonder goes a Will…o'…the…Wisp in his best clothes!'

〃They also go in undress;〃 replied the woman。 〃TheWill…o'…the…Wisp can assume all kinds of forms; and appear in everyplace。 He goes into the church; but not for the sake of the service
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