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〃But I gave away the goose for a fowl。〃

〃A fowl! Well; that was a good exchange;〃 replied the woman。〃The fowl will lay eggs and hatch them; and we shall have chickens; weshall soon have a poultry…yard。 Oh; this is just what I was wishingfor。〃

〃Yes; but I exchanged the fowl for a sack of shrivelled apples。〃

〃What! I really must give you a kiss for that!〃 exclaimed thewife。 〃My dear; good husband; now I'll tell you something。 Do youknow; almost as soon as you left me this morning; I began to thinkof what I could give you nice for supper this evening; and then Ithought of fried eggs and bacon; with sweet herbs; I had eggs andbacon; but I wanted the herbs; so I went over to the schoolmaster's: Iknew they had plenty of herbs; but the schoolmistress is very mean;although she can smile so sweetly。 I begged her to lend me a handfulof herbs。 'Lend!' she exclaimed; 'I have nothing to lend; nothing atall grows in our garden; not even a shrivelled apple; I could not evenlend you a shrivelled apple; my dear woman。 But now I can lend herten; or a whole sackful; which I'm very glad of; it makes me laughto think about it;〃 and then she gave him a hearty kiss。

〃Well; I like all this;〃 said both the Englishmen; 〃always goingdown the hill; and yet always merry; it's worth the money to seeit。〃 So they paid a hundred…weight of gold to the peasant; who;whatever he did; was not scolded but kissed。

Yes; it always pays best when the wife sees and maintains that herhusband knows best; and whatever he does is right。

That is a story which I heard when I was a child; and now you haveheard it too; and know that 〃What the old man does is always right。〃


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