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pea can send out a blooming shoot。 The poor bumpkin whosat on a low stool in the corner; and was jeered at and flouted;will perhaps have his worn…out stool given him as a provision; and thestool may bee a litter in the land of eternity; and rise up then asa throne; gleaming like gold and blooming as an arbor。 He who alwayslounged about; and drank the spiced draught of pleasure; that he mightforget the wild things he had done here; will have his barrel given tohim on the journey; and will have to drink from it as they go on;and the drink is bright and clear; so that the thoughts remain pure;and all good and noble feelings are awakened; and he sees and feelswhat in life he could not or would not see; and then he has within himthe punishment; the gnawing worm; which will not die through timeincalculable。 If on the glasses there stood written 'oblivion;' on thebarrel 'remembrance' is inscribed。

〃When I read a good book; an historical work; I always think atlast of the poetry of what I am reading; and of the omnibus ofdeath; and wonder; which of the hero's deeds Death took out of thesavings bank for him; and what provisions he got on the journey intoeternity。 There was once a French king… I have forgotten his name; forthe names of good people are sometimes forgotten; even by me; but itwill e back some day;… there was a king who; during a famine;became the benefactor of his people; and the people raised up to hismemory a monument of snow; with the inscription; 'Quicker than thismelts didst thou bring help!' I fancy that Death; looking back uponthe monument; gave him a single snow…flake as provision; asnow…flake that never melts; and this flake floated over his royalhead; like a white butterfly; into the land of eternity。 Thus; too;there was Louis XI。 I have remembered his name; for one remembers whatis bad… a trait of him often es into my thoughts; and I wish onecould say the story is not true。 He had his lord high constableexecuted; and he could execute him; right or wrong; but he had theinnocent children of the constable; one seven and the other eightyears old; placed under the scaffold so that the warm blood of theirfather spurted over them; and then he had them sent to the Bastille;and shut up in iron cages; where not even a coverlet was given them toprotect them from the cold。 And King Louis sent the executioner tothem every week; and had a tooth pulled out of the head of each;that they might not be too fortable; and the elder of the boyssaid; 'My mother would die of grief if she knew that my youngerbrother had to suffer so cruelly; therefore pull out two of myteeth; and spare him。' The tears came into the hangman's eyes; but theking's will was stronger than the tears; and every week two littleteeth were brought to him on a silver plate; he had demanded them; andhe had them。 I fancy that Death took these two teeth out of thesavings bank of life; and gave them to Louis XI; to carry with himon the great journey into the land of immortality; they fly before himlike two flames of fire; they shine and burn; and they bite him; theinnocent children's teeth。

〃Yes; that's a serious journey; the omnibus ride on the greatmoving…day! And when is it to be undertaken? That's just the seriouspart of it。 Any day; any hour; any minute; the omnibus may draw up。Which of our deeds will Death take out of the savings bank; and giveto us as provision? Let us think of the moving…day that is notmarked in the calendar。〃





   by Hans Christian Andersen

THERE is nobody in the world who knows so many stories asOle…Luk…Oie; or who can relate them so nicely。 In the evening; whilethe children are seated at the table or in their little chairs; hees up the stairs very softly; for he walks in his socks; then heopens the doors without the slightest noise; and throws a smallquantity of very fine dust in their eyes; just enough to preventthem from keeping them open; and so they do not see him。 Then hecreeps behind them; and blows softly upon their necks; till theirheads begin to droop。 But Ole…Luk…Oie does not wish to hurt them;for he is very fond of children; and only wants them to be quietthat he may relate to them pretty stories; and they never are quietuntil they are in bed and asleep。 As soon as they are asleep;Ole…Luk…Oie seats himself upon the bed。 He is nicely dressed; his coatis made of silken stuff; it is impossible to say of what color; for itchanges from green to red; and from red to blue as he turns fromside to side。 Under each arm he carries an umbrella; one of them; withpictures on the inside; he spreads over the good children; and thenthey dream the most beautiful stories the whole night。 But the otherumbrella has no pictures; and this he holds over the naughtychildren so that they sleep heavily; and wake in the morning withouthaving dreamed at all。

Now we shall hear how Ole…Luk…Oie came every night during awhole week to the little boy named Hjalmar; and what he told him。There were seven stories; as there are seven days in the week。MONDAY


〃Now pay attention;〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie; in the evening; whenHjalmar was in bed; 〃and I will decorate the room。〃

Immediately all the flowers in the flower…pots became large trees;with long branches reaching to the ceiling; and stretching along thewalls; so that the whole room was like a greenhouse。 All thebranches were loaded with flowers; each flower as beautiful and asfragrant as a rose; and; had any one tasted them; he would havefound them sweeter even than jam。 The fruit glittered like gold; andthere were cakes so full of plums that they were nearly bursting。 Itwas inparably beautiful。 At the same time sounded dismal moans fromthe table…drawer in which lay Hjalmar's school books。

〃What can that be now?〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie; going to the table andpulling out the drawer。

It was a slate; in such distress because of a false number inthe sum; that it had almost broken itself to pieces。 The pencil pulledand tugged at its string as if it were a little dog that wanted tohelp; but could not。

And then came a moan from Hjalmar's copy…book。 Oh; it was quiteterrible to hear! On each leaf stood a row of capital letters; everyone having a small letter by its side。 This formed a copy; under thesewere other letters; which Hjalmar had written: they fancied theylooked like the copy; but they were mistaken; for they were leaning onone side as if they intended to fall over the pencil…lines。

〃See; this is the way you should hold yourselves;〃 said thecopy。 〃Look here; you should slope thus; with a graceful curve。〃

〃Oh; we are very willing to do so; but we cannot;〃 saidHjalmar's letters; 〃we are so wretchedly made。〃

〃You must be scratched out; then;〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie。

〃Oh; no!〃 they cried; and then they stood up so gracefully itwas quite a pleasure to look at them。

〃Now we must give up our stories; and exercise these letters;〃said Ole…Luk…Oie; 〃One; two… one; two… 〃 So he drilled them tillthey stood up gracefully; and looked as beautiful as a copy couldlook。 But after Ole…Luk…Oie was gone; and Hjalmar looked at them inthe morning; they were as wretched and as awkward as ever。TUESDAY


As soon as Hjalmar was in bed; Ole…Luk…Oie touched; with hislittle magic wand; all the furniture in the room; which immediatelybegan to chatter; and each article only talked of itself。

Over the chest of drawers hung a large picture in a gilt frame;representing a landscape; with fine old trees; flowers in the grass;and a broad stream; which flowed through the wood; past severalcastles; far out into the wild ocean。 Ole…Luk…Oie touched thepicture with his magic wand; and immediately the birds mencedsinging; the branches of the trees rustled; and the clouds movedacross the sky; casting their shadows on the landscape beneath them。Then Ole…Luk…Oie lifted little Hjalmar up to the frame; and placed hisfeet in the picture; just on the high grass; and there he stood withthe sun shining down upon him through the branches of the trees。 Heran to the water; and seated himself in a little boat which lay there;and which was painted red and white。 The sails glittered likesilver; and six swans; each with a golden circlet round its neck;and a bright blue star on its forehead; drew the boat past the greenwood; where the trees talked of robbers and witches; and the flowersof beautiful little elves and fairies; whose histories the butterflieshad related to them。 Brilliant fish; with scales like silver and gold;swam after the boat; sometimes making a spring and splashing the waterround them; while birds; red and blue; small and great; flew after himin two long lines。 The gnats danced round them; and the cockchaferscried 〃Buz; buz。〃 They all wanted to follow Hjalmar; and all hadsome story to tell him。 It was a most pleasant sail。 Sometimes theforests were thick and dark; sometimes like a beautiful garden; gaywith sunshine and flowers; then he passed great palaces of glass andof marble; and on the balconies stood princesses; whose faces werethose of little girls whom Hjalmar knew well; and had often playedwith。 One of them held out her hand; in which was a heart made ofsugar; more beautiful than any confectioner ever sold。 As Hjalmarsailed by; he caught hold of one side of the sugar heart; and heldit fast; and the princess held fast also; so that it broke in twopieces。 Hjalmar had one piece; and the princess the other; butHjalmar's was the largest。 At each castle stood little princesacting as sentinels。 They presented arms; and had golden swords; andmade it rain plums and tin soldiers; so that they must have beenreal princes。

Hjalmar continued to sail; sometimes through woods; sometimes asit were through large halls; and then by large cities。 At last he cameto the town where his nurse lived; who had carried him in her armswhen he was a very little boy; and had always been kind to him。 Shenodded and beckoned to him; and then sang the little verses she hadherself posed and set to him;…

 〃How oft my memory turns to thee;

   My own Hjalmar; ever dear!

 When I could watch thy infant glee;

   Or kiss away a pearly tear。

 'Twas in my arms thy lisping tongue

   First spoke the half…remembered word;

 While o'er thy tottering steps I hung;

   My fond protection to afford。

 Farewell! I pray the Heavenly Power

 To keep thee till thy dying hour。〃And all the birds sang the same tune; the flowers danced on theirstems; and the old trees nodded as if Ole…Luk…Oie had been tellingthem stories as well。WEDNESDAY


How the rain did pour down! Hjalmar could hear it in his sleep;。and when Ole…Luk…Oie opened the window; the water flowed quite up tothe window…sill。 It had the appearance of a large lake outside; anda beautiful ship lay close to the house。

〃Wilt thou sail with me to…night; little Hjalmar?〃 saidOle…Luk…Oie; 〃then we shall see foreign countries; and thou shaltreturn here in the morning。〃

All in a moment; there stood Hjalmar; in his best clothes; onthe deck of the noble ship; and immediately the weather became fine。They sailed through the streets; round by the church; and on everyside rolled the wide; great sea。 They sailed till the landdisappeared; and then they saw a flock of storks; who had left theirown country; and were travelling to warmer climates。 The storks flewone behind the other; and had already been a long; long time on thewing。 One of them seemed so tired that his wings could scarcelycarry him。 He was the last of the row; and was soon left very farbehind。 At length he sunk lower and lower; with outstretched wings;flapping them in vain; till his feet touched the rigging of theship; and he slided from the sails to the deck; and stood before them。Then a sailor…boy caught him; and put him in the hen…house; with thefowls; the ducks; and the turkeys; while the poor stork stood quitebewildered amongst them。

〃Just look at that fellow;〃 said the chickens。

Then the turkey…cock puffed himself out as large as he could;and inquired who he was; and the ducks waddled backwards; crying;〃Quack; quack。〃

Then the stork told them all about warm Africa; of the pyramids;and of the ostrich; which; like a wild horse; runs across thedesert。 But the ducks did not understand what he said; and quackedamongst themselves; 〃We are all of the same opinion; namely; that heis stupid。〃

〃Yes; to be sure; he is stupid;〃 said the turkey…cock; andgobbled。

Then the stork remained quite silent; and thought of his home inAfrica。

〃Those are handsome thin legs of yours;〃 said the turkey…cock。〃What do they cost a yard?〃

〃Quack; quack; quack;〃 grinned the ducks; but; the stork pretendednot to hear。

〃You may as well laugh;〃 said the turkey; 〃for that remark wasrather witty; or perhaps it was above you。 Ah; ah; is he not clever?He will be a great amusement to us while he remains here。〃 And then hegobbled; and the ducks quacked; 〃Gobble; gobble; Quack; quack。〃

What a terrible uproar they made; while they were having suchfun among themselves!

Then Hjalmar went to the hen…house; and; opening the door;called to the stork。 Then he hopped out on the deck。 He had restedhimself now; and he looked happy; and seemed as if he nodded toHjalmar; as if to thank him。 Then he spread his wings; and flew awayto warmer countries; while the hens clucked; the ducks quacked; andthe turkey…cock turned quite scarlet in the head。

〃To…morrow you shall be made into soup;〃 said Hjalmar to thefowls; and then he awoke; and found himself lying in his little bed。

It was a wonderful journey which Ole…Luk…Oie had made him takethis night。THURSDAY


〃What do you think I have got here?〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie; 〃Do notbe frightened; and you shall see a little mouse。〃 And then he held outhis hand to him; in which lay a lovely little creature。 〃It has eto invite you to a wedding。 Two little mice are going to enter intothe marriage state tonight。 They reside under the floor of yourmother's store…room; and that must be a fine dwelling…place。〃

〃But how can I get through the little mouse…hole in the floor?〃asked Hjalmar。

〃Leave me to manage that;〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie。 〃I will soon make yousmall enough。〃 And then he touched Hjalmar with his magic wand;whereupon he became less and less; until at last he was not longerthan a little finger。 〃Now you can borrow the dress of the tinsoldier。 I think it will just fit you。 It looks well to wear a uniformwhen you go into pany。〃

〃Yes; certainly;〃 said Hjalmar; and in a moment he was dressedas neatly as the neatest of all tin soldiers。

〃Will you be so good as to seat yourself in your mamma's thimble;〃said the little mouse; 〃that I may have the pleasure of drawing you tothe wedding。〃

〃Will you really take so much trouble; young lady?〃 saidHjalmar。 And so in this way he rode to the mouse's wedding。

First they went under the floor; and then passed through a longpassage; which was scarcely high enough to allow the thimble todrive under; and the whole passage was lit up with thephosphorescent light of rotten wood。

〃Does it not smell delicious?〃 asked the mouse; as she drew himalong。 〃The wall and the floor have been smeared with bacon…rind;nothing can be nicer。〃

Very soon they arrived at the bridal hall。 On the right stoodall the little lady…mice; whispering and giggling; as if they weremaking 
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