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1 twilight暮色-第29部分

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every second you spend with me; that's surely not much。 You only have to 
turn your back on nature; on humanity… what's that worth?〃 

〃Very little — I don't feel deprived of anything。〃 

〃Not yet。〃 And his voice was abruptly full of ancient grief。 

I tried to pull back; to look in his face; but his hand locked my wrists 
in an unbreakable hold。 

〃What —〃 I started to ask; when his body became alert。 I froze; but he 
suddenly released my hands; and disappeared。 I narrowly avoided falling 
on my face。 

〃Lie down!〃 he hissed。 I couldn't tell where he spoke from in the 

I rolled under my quilt; balling up on my side; the way I usually slept。 
I heard the door crack open; as Charlie peeked in to make sure I was 
where I was supposed to be。 I breathed evenly; exaggerating the movement。 

A long minute passed。 I listened; not sure if I'd heard the door close。 
Then Edward's cool arm was around me; under the covers; his lips at my 

〃You are a terrible actress — I'd say that career path is out for you。〃 

〃Darn it;〃 I muttered。 My heart was crashing in my chest。 

He hummed a melody I didn't recognize; it sounded like a lullaby。 

He paused。 〃Should I sing you to sleep?〃 

〃Right;〃 I laughed。 〃Like I could sleep with you here!〃 

〃You do it all the time;〃 he reminded me。 

〃But I didn't know you were here;〃 I replied icily。 

〃So if you don't want to sleep…〃 he suggested; ignoring my tone。 My 
breath caught。 

〃If I don't want to sleep… ?〃 

He chuckled。 〃What do you want to do then?〃 

I couldn't answer at first。 

〃I'm not sure;〃 I finally said。 

〃Tell me when you decide。〃 

I could feel his cool breath on my neck; feel his nose sliding along my 
jaw; inhaling。 

〃I thought you were desensitized。〃 

〃Just because I'm resisting the wine doesn't mean I can't appreciate the 
bouquet;〃 he whispered。 〃You have a very floral smell; like lavender… or 
freesia;〃 he noted。 〃It's mouthwatering。〃 

〃Yeah; it's an off day when I don't get somebody telling me how edible I 

He chuckled; and then sighed。 

〃I've decided what I want to do;〃 I told him。 〃I want to hear more about 

〃Ask me anything。〃 

I sifted through my questions for the most vital。 〃Why do you do it?〃 I 
said。 〃I still don't understand how you can work so hard to resist what 
you… are。 Please don't misunderstand; of course I'm glad that you do。 I 
just don't see why you would bother in the first place。〃 

He hesitated before answering。 〃That's a good question; and you are not 
the first one to ask it。 The others — the majority of our kind who are 
quite content with our lot — they; too; wonder at how we live。 But you 
see; just because we've been… dealt a certain hand… it doesn't mean that 
we can't choose to rise above — to conquer the boundaries of a destiny 
that none of us wanted。 To try to retain whatever essential humanity we 

I lay unmoving; locked in awed silence。 

〃Did you fall asleep?〃 he whispered after a few minutes。 


〃Is that all you were curious about?〃 

I rolled my eyes。 〃Not quite。〃 

〃What else do you want to know?〃 

〃Why can you read minds — why only you? And Alice; seeing the future… why 
does that happen?〃 

I felt him shrug in the darkness。 〃We don't really know。 Carlisle has a 
theory… he believes that we all bring something of our strongest human 
traits with us into the next life; where they are intensified — like our 
minds; and our senses。 He thinks that I must have already been very 
sensitive to the thoughts of those around me。 And that Alice had some 
precognition; wherever she was。〃 

〃What did he bring into the next life; and the others?〃 

〃Carlisle brought his passion。 Esme brought her ability to love 
passionately。 Emmett brought his strength; Rosalie her… tenacity。 Or you 
could call it pigheadedness。〃 he chuckled。 〃Jasper is very interesting。 
He was quite charismatic in his first life; able to influence those 
around him to see things his way。 Now he is able to manipulate the 
emotions of those around him — calm down a room of angry people; for 
example; or excite a lethargic crowd; conversely。 It's a very subtle 


I considered the impossibilities he described; trying to take it in。 He 
waited patiently while I thought。 

〃So where did it all start? I mean; Carlisle changed you; and then 
someone must have changed him; and so on…〃 

〃Well; where did you e from? Evolution? Creation? Couldn't we have 
evolved in the same way as other species; predator and prey? Or; if you 
don't believe that all this world could have just happened on its own; 
which is hard for me to accept myself; is it so hard to believe that the 
same force that created the delicate angelfish with the shark; the baby 
seal and the killer whale; could create both our kinds together?〃 

〃Let me get this straight — I'm the baby seal; right?〃 

〃Right。〃 He laughed; and something touched my hair — his lips? 

I wanted to turn toward him; to see if it was really his lips against my 
hair。 But I had to be good; I didn't want to make this any harder for him 
than it already was。 

〃Are you ready to sleep?〃 he asked; interrupting the short silence。 〃Or 
do you have any more questions?〃 

〃Only a million or two。〃 

〃We have tomorrow; and the next day; and the next…〃 he reminded me。 I 
smiled; euphoric at the thought。 

〃Are you sure you won't vanish in the morning?〃 I wanted this to be 
certain。 〃You are mythical; after all。〃 

〃I won't leave you。〃 His voice had the seal of a promise in it。 

〃One more; then; tonight…〃 And I blushed。 The darkness was no help — I'm 
sure he could feel the sudden warmth under my skin。 

〃What is it?〃 

〃No; forget it。 I changed my mind。〃 

〃Bella; you can ask me anything。〃 

I didn't answer; and he groaned。 

〃I keep thinking it will get less frustrating; not hearing your thoughts。 
But it just gets worse and worse。〃 

〃I'm glad you can't read my thoughts。 It's bad enough that you eavesdrop 
on my sleeptalking。〃 

〃Please?〃 His voice was so persuasive; so impossible to resist。 

I shook my head。 

〃If you don't tell me; I'll just assume it's something much worse than it 
is;〃 he threatened darkly。 〃Please?〃 Again; that pleading voice。 

〃Well;〃 I began; glad that he couldn't see my face。 


〃You said that Rosalie and Emmett will get married soon… Is that… 
marriage… the same as it is for humans?〃 

He laughed in earnest now; understanding。 〃Is that what you're getting 

I fidgeted; unable to answer。 

〃Yes; I suppose it is much the same;〃 he said。 〃I told you; most of those 
human desires are there; just hidden behind more powerful desires。〃 

〃Oh;〃 was all I could say。 

〃Was there a purpose behind your curiosity?〃 

〃Well; I did wonder… about you and me… someday…〃 

He was instantly serious; I could tell by the sudden stillness of his 
body。 I froze; too; reacting automatically。 

〃I don't think that… that… would be possible for us。〃 

〃Because it would be too hard for you; if I were that… close?〃 

〃That's certainly a problem。 But that's not what I was thinking of。 It's 
just that you are so soft; so fragile。 I have to mind my actions every 
moment that we're together so that I don't hurt you。 I could kill you 
quite easily; Bella; simply by accident。〃 His voice had bee just a 
soft murmur。 He moved his icy palm to rest it against my cheek。 〃If I was 
too hasty… if for one second I wasn't paying enough attention; I could 
reach out; meaning to touch your face; and crush your skull by mistake。 
You don't realize how incredibly breakable you are。 I can never; never 
afford to lose any kind of control when I'm with you。〃 

He waited for me to respond; growing anxious when I didn't。 〃Are you 
scared?〃 he asked。 

I waited for a minute to answer; so the words would be true。 〃No。 I'm 

He seemed to deliberate for a moment。 〃I'm curious now; though;〃 he said; 
his voice light again。 〃Have you ever… ?〃 He trailed off suggestively。 

〃Of course not。〃 I flushed。 〃I told you I've never felt like this about 
anyone before; not even close。〃 

〃I know。 It's just that I know other people's thoughts。 I know love and 
lust don't always keep the same pany。〃 

〃They do for me。 Now; anyway; that they exist for me at all;〃 I sighed。 

〃That's nice。 We have that one thing in mon; at least。〃 He sounded 

〃Your human instincts…〃 I began。 He waited。 〃Well; do you find me 
attractive; in that way; at all?〃 

He laughed and lightly rumpled my nearly dry hair。 

〃I may not be a human; but I am a man;〃 he assured me。 

I yawned involuntarily。 

〃I've answered your questions; now you should sleep;〃 he insisted。 

〃I'm not sure if I can。〃 

〃Do you want me to leave?〃 

〃No!〃 I said too loudly。 

He laughed; and then began to hum that same; unfamiliar lullaby; the 
voice of an archangel; soft in my ear。 

More tired than I realized; exhausted from the long day of mental and 
emotional stress like I'd never felt before; I drifted to sleep in his 
cold arms。 



The muted light of yet another cloudy day eventually woke me。 I lay with 
my arm across my eyes; groggy and dazed。 Something; a dream trying to be 
remembered; struggled to break into my consciousness。 I moaned and rolled 
on my side; hoping more sleep would e。 And then the previous day 
flooded back into my awareness。 

〃Oh!〃 I sat up so fast it made my head spin。 

〃Your hair looks like a haystack… but I like it。〃 His unruffled voice 
came from the rocking chair in the corner。 

〃Edward! You stayed!〃 I rejoiced; and thoughtlessly threw myself across 
the room and into his lap。 In the instant that my thoughts caught up with 
my actions; I froze; shocked by my own uncontrolled enthusiasm。 I stared 
up at him; afraid that I had crossed the wrong line。 

But he laughed。 

〃Of course;〃 he answered; startled; but seeming pleased by my reaction。 
His hands rubbed my back。 

I laid my head cautiously against his shoulder; breathing in the smell of 
his skin。 

〃I was sure it was a dream。〃 

〃You're not that creative;〃 he scoffed。 

〃Charlie!〃 I remembered; thoughtlessly jumping up again and heading to 
the door。 

〃He left an hour ago — after reattaching your battery cables; I might 
add。 I have to admit I was disappointed。 Is that really all it would take 
to stop you; if you were determined to go?〃 

I deliberated where I stood; wanting to return to him badly; but afraid I 
might have morning breath。 

〃You're not usually this confused in the morning;〃 he noted。 He held his 
arms open for me to return。 A nearly irresistible invitation。 

〃I need another human minute;〃 I admitted。 

〃I'll wait。〃 

I skipped to the bathroom; my emotions unrecognizable。 I didn't know 
myself; inside or out。 The face in the mirror was practically a stranger 
— eyes too bright; hectic spots of red across my cheekbones。 After I 
brushed my teeth; I worked to straighten out the tangled chaos that was 
my hair。 I splashed my face with cold water; and tried to breathe 
normally; with no noticeable success。 I halfran back to my room。 

It seemed like a miracle that he was there; his arms still waiting for 
me。 He reached out to me; and my heart thumped unsteadily。 

〃Wele back;〃 he murmured; taking me into his arms。 

He rocked me for a while in silence; until I noticed that his clothes 
were changed; his hair smooth。 

〃You left?〃 I accused; touching the collar of his fresh shirt。 

〃I could hardly leave in the clothes I came in — what would the neighbors 

I pouted。 

〃You were very deeply asleep; I didn't miss anything。〃 His eyes gleamed。 
〃The talking came earlier。〃 

I groaned。 〃What did you hear?〃 

His gold eyes grew very soft。 〃You said you loved me。〃 

〃You knew that already;〃 I reminded him; ducking my head。 

〃It was nice to hear; just the same。〃 

I hid my face against his shoulder。 

〃I love you;〃 I whispered。 

〃You are my life now;〃 he answered simply。 

There was nothing more to say for the moment。 He rocked us back and forth 
as the room grew lighter。 

〃Breakfast time;〃 he said eventually; casually — to prove; I'm sure; that 
he remembered all my human frailties。 

So I clutched my throat with both hands and stared at him with wide eyes。 
Shock crossed his face。 

〃Kidding!〃 I snickered。 〃And you said I couldn't act!〃 

He frowned in disgust。 〃That wasn't funny。〃 

〃It was very funny; and you know it。〃 But I examined his gold eyes 
carefully; to make sure that I was forgiven。 Apparently; I was。 

〃Shall I rephrase?〃 he asked。 〃Breakfast time for the human。〃 

〃Oh; okay。〃 

He threw me over his stone shoulder; gently; but with a swiftness that 
left me breathless。 I protested as he carried me easily down the stairs; 
but he ignored me。 He sat me right side up on a chair。 

The kitchen was bright; happy; seeming to absorb my mood。 

〃What's for breakfast?〃 I asked pleasantly。 

That threw him for a minute。 

〃Er; I'm not sure。 What would you like?〃 His marble brow puckered。 

I grinned; hopping up。 

〃That's all right; I fend for myself pretty well。 Watch me hunt。〃 

I found a bowl and a box of cereal。 I could feel his eyes on me as I 
poured the milk and grabbed a spoon。 I sat my food on the table; and then 

〃Can I get you anything?〃 I asked; not wanting to be rude。 

He rolled his eyes。 〃Just eat; Bella。〃 

I sat at the table; watching him as I took a bite。 He was gazing at me; 
studying my every movement。 It made me selfconscious。 I cleared my mouth 
to speak; to distract him。 

〃What's on the agenda for today?〃 I asked。 

〃Hmmm…〃 I watched him frame his answer carefully。 〃What would you say to 
meeting my family?〃 

I gulped。 

〃Are you afraid now?〃 He sounded hopeful。 

〃Yes;〃 I admitted; how could I deny it — he could see my eyes。 

〃Don't worry。〃 He smirked。 〃I'll protect you。〃 

〃I'm not afraid of them;〃 I explained。 〃I'm afraid they won't… like me。 
Won't they be; well; surprised that you would bring someone… like me… 
home to meet them? Do they know that I know about them?〃 

〃Oh; they already know everything。 They'd taken bets yesterday; you know〃 
— he smiled; but his voice was harsh — 〃on whether I'd bring you back; 
though why anyone would bet against Alice; I can't imagine。 At any rate; 
we don't have secrets in the family。 It's not really feasible; what with 
my mind reading and Alice seeing the future and all that。〃 

〃And Jasper making you feel all warm and fuzzy about spilling your guts; 
don't forget that。〃 

〃You paid attention;〃 he smiled approvingly。 

〃I've been known to do that every now and then。〃 I grimaced。 〃So did 
Alice see me ing?〃 

His reaction was strange。 〃Something like that;〃 he said unfortably; 
turning away so I couldn't see his eyes。 I stared at him curiously。 

〃Is that any good?〃 he asked; turning back to me abruptly and eyeing my 
breakfast with a teasing look on his face。 〃Honestly; it doesn't look 
very appetizing。〃 

〃Well; it's no irri
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