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1 twilight暮色-第42部分

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everything was fine; but the water was so deep; it was pressing on me; 
and I couldn't breathe。 

There was a point of pressure against my head。 It hurt。 Then; as that 
pain broke through the darkness to me; other pains came; stronger pains。 
I cried out; gasping; breaking through the dark pool。 

〃Bella!〃 the angel cried。 

〃She's lost some blood; but the head wound isn't deep;〃 a calm voice 
informed me。 〃Watch out for her leg; it's broken。〃 

A howl of rage strangled on the angel's lips。 

I felt a sharp stab in my side。 This couldn't be heaven; could it? There 
was too much pain for that。 

〃Some ribs; too; I think;〃 the methodical voice continued。 

But the sharp pains were fading。 There was a new pain; a scalding pain in 
my hand that was overshadowing everything else。 

Someone was burning me。 

〃Edward。〃 I tried to tell him; but my voice was so heavy and slow。 I 
couldn't understand myself。 

〃Bella; you're going to be fine。 Can you hear me; Bella? I love you。〃 

〃Edward;〃 I tried again。 My voice was a little clearer。 

〃Yes; I'm here。〃 

〃It hurts;〃 I whimpered。 

〃I know; Bella; I know〃 — and then; away from me; anguished — 〃can't you 
do anything?〃 

〃My bag; please… Hold your breath; Alice; it will help;〃 Carlisle 

〃Alice?〃 I groaned。 

〃She's here; she knew where to find you。〃 

〃My hand hurts;〃 I tried to tell him。 

〃I know; Bella。 Carlisle will give you something; it will stop。〃 

〃My hand is burning!〃 I screamed; finally breaking through the last of 
the darkness; my eyes fluttering open。 I couldn't see his face; something 
dark and warm was clouding my eyes。 Why couldn't they see the fire and 
put it out? 

His voice was frightened。 〃Bella?〃 

〃The fire! Someone stop the fire!〃 I screamed as it burned me。 

〃Carlisle! Her hand!〃 

〃He bit her。〃 Carlisle's voice was no longer calm; it was appalled。 

I heard Edward catch his breath in horror。 

〃Edward; you have to do it。〃 It was Alice's voice; close by my head。 Cool 
fingers brushed at the wetness in my eyes。 

〃No!〃 he bellowed。 

〃Alice;〃 I moaned。 

〃There may be a chance;〃 Carlisle said。 

〃What?〃 Edward begged。 

〃See if you can suck the venom back out。 The wound is fairly clean。〃 As 
Carlisle spoke; I could feel more pressure on my head; something poking 
and pulling at my scalp。 The pain of it was lost in the pain of the fire。 

〃Will that work?〃 Alice's voice was strained。 

〃I don't know;〃 Carlisle said。 〃But we have to hurry。〃 

〃Carlisle; I…〃 Edward hesitated。 〃I don't know if I can do that。〃 There 
was agony in his beautiful voice again。 

〃It's your decision; Edward; either way。 I can't help you。 I have to get 
this bleeding stopped here if you're going to be taking blood from her 

I writhed in the grip of the fiery torture; the movement making the pain 
in my leg flare sickeningly。 

〃Edward!〃 I screamed。 I realized my eyes were closed again。 I opened 
them; desperate to find his face。 And I found him。 Finally; I could see 
his perfect face; staring at me; twisted into a mask of indecision and 

〃Alice; get me something to brace her leg!〃 Carlisle was bent over me; 
working on my head。 〃Edward; you must do it now; or it will be too late。〃 

Edward's face was drawn。 I watched his eyes as the doubt was suddenly 
replaced with a blazing determination。 His jaw tightened。 I felt his 
cool; strong fingers on my burning hand; locking it in place。 Then his 
head bent over it; and his cold lips pressed against my skin。 

At first the pain was worse。 I screamed and thrashed against the cool 
hands that held me back。 I heard Alice's voice; trying to calm me。 
Something heavy held my leg to the floor; and Carlisle had my head locked 
in the vise of his stone arms。 

Then; slowly; my writhing calmed as my hand grew more and more numb。 The 
fire was dulling; focusing into an eversmaller point。 

I felt my consciousness slipping as the pain subsided。 I was afraid to 
fall into the black waters again; afraid I would lose him in the darkness。 

〃Edward;〃 I tried to say; but I couldn't hear my voice。 They could hear 

〃He's right here; Bella。〃 

〃Stay; Edward; stay with me…〃 

〃I will。〃 His voice was strained; but somehow triumphant。 

I sighed contentedly。 The fire was gone; the other pains dulled by a 
sleepiness seeping through my body。 

〃Is it all out?〃 Carlisle asked from somewhere far away。 

〃Her blood tastes clean;〃 Edward said quietly。 〃I can taste the morphine。〃 

〃Bella?〃 Carlisle called to me。 

I tried to answer。 〃Mmmmm?〃 

〃Is the fire gone?〃 

〃Yes;〃 I sighed。 〃Thank you; Edward。〃 

〃I love you;〃 he answered。 

〃I know;〃 I breathed; so tired。 

I heard my favorite sound in the world: Edward's quiet laugh; weak with 

〃Bella?〃 Carlisle asked again。 

I frowned; I wanted to sleep。 〃What?〃 

〃Where is your mother?〃 

〃In Florida;〃 I sighed。 〃He tricked me; Edward。 He watched our videos。〃 
The outrage in my voice was pitifully frail。 

But that reminded me。 

〃Alice。〃 I tried to open my eyes。 〃Alice; the video — he knew you; Alice; 
he knew where you came from。〃 I meant to speak urgently; but my voice was 
feeble。 〃I smell gasoline;〃 I added; surprised through the haze in my 

〃It's time to move her;〃 Carlisle said。 

〃No; I want to sleep;〃 I plained。 

〃You can sleep; sweetheart; I'll carry you;〃 Edward soothed me。 

And I was in his arms; cradled against his chest — floating; all the pain 

〃Sleep now; Bella〃 were the last words I heard。 



My eyes opened to a bright; white light。 I was in an unfamiliar room; a 
white room。 The wall beside me was covered in long vertical blinds; over 
my head; the glaring lights blinded me。 I was propped up on a hard; 
uneven bed — a bed with rails。 The pillows were flat and lumpy。 There was 
an annoying beeping sound somewhere close by。 I hoped that meant I was 
still alive。 Death shouldn't be this unfortable。 

My hands were all twisted up with clear tubes; and something was taped 

across my face; under my nose。 I lifted my hand to rip it off。 

〃No; you don't。〃 And cool fingers caught my hand。 

〃Edward?〃 I turned my head slightly; and his exquisite face was just 
inches from mine; his chin resting on the edge of my pillow。 I realized 
again that I was alive; this time with gratitude and elation。 〃Oh; 
Edward; I'm so sorry!〃 

〃Shhhh;〃 he shushed me。 〃Everything's all right now。〃 

〃What happened?〃 I couldn't remember clearly; and my mind rebelled 
against me as I tried to recall。 

〃I was almost too late。 I could have been too late;〃 he whispered; his 
voice tormented。 

〃I was so stupid; Edward。 I thought he had my mom。〃 

〃He tricked us all。〃 

〃I need to call Charlie and my mom;〃 I realized through the haze。 

〃Alice called them。 Renée is here — well; here in the hospital。 She's 
getting something to eat right now。〃 

〃She's here?〃 I tried to sit up; but the spinning in my head accelerated; 
and his hand pushed me gently down onto the pillows。 

〃She'll be back soon;〃 he promised。 〃And you need to stay still。〃 

〃But what did you tell her?〃 I panicked。 I had no interest in being 
soothed。 My mom was here and I was recovering from a vampire attack。 〃Why 
did you tell her I'm here?〃 

〃You fell down two flights of stairs and through a window。〃 He paused。 
〃You have to admit; it could happen。〃 

I sighed; and it hurt。 I stared down at my body under the sheet; the huge 
lump that was my leg。 

〃How bad am I?〃 I asked。 

〃You have a broken leg; four broken ribs; some cracks in your skull; 
bruises covering every inch of your skin; and you've lost a lot of blood。 
They gave you a few transfusions。 I didn't like it — it made you smell 
all wrong for a while。〃 

〃That must have been a nice change for you。〃 

〃No; I like how you smell。〃 

〃How did you do it?〃 I asked quietly。 He knew what I meant at once。 

〃I'm not sure。〃 He looked away from my wondering eyes; lifting my 
gauzewrapped hand from the bed and holding it gently in his; careful not 
to disrupt the wire connecting me to one of the monitors。 

I waited patiently for the rest。 

He sighed without returning my gaze。 〃It was impossible… to stop;〃 he 
whispered。 〃Impossible。 But I did。〃 He looked up finally; with half a 
smile。 〃I must love you。〃 

〃Don't I taste as good as I smell?〃 I smiled in response。 That hurt my 

〃Even better — better than I'd imagined。〃 

〃I'm sorry;〃 I apologized。 

He raised his eyes to the ceiling。 〃Of all the things to apologize for。〃 

〃What should I apologize for?〃 

〃For very nearly taking yourself away from me forever。〃 

〃I'm sorry;〃 I apologized again。 

〃I know why you did it。〃 His voice was forting。 〃It was still 
irrational; of course。 You should have waited for me; you should have 
told me。〃 

〃You wouldn't have let me go。〃 

〃No;〃 he agreed in a grim tone; 〃I wouldn't。〃 

Some very unpleasant memories were beginning to e back to me。 I 
shuddered; and then winced。 

He was instantly anxious。 〃Bella; what's wrong?〃 

〃What happened to James?〃 

〃After I pulled him off you; Emmett and Jasper took care of him。〃 There 
was a fierce note of regret in his voice。 

This confused me。 〃I didn't see Emmett and Jasper there。〃 

〃They had to leave the room… there was a lot of blood。〃 

〃But you stayed。〃 

〃Yes; I stayed。〃 

〃And Alice; and Carlisle…〃 I said in wonder。 

〃They love you; too; you know。〃 

A flash of painful images from the last time I'd seen Alice reminded me 
of something。 〃Did Alice see the tape?〃 I asked anxiously。 

〃Yes。〃 A new sound darkened his voice; a tone of sheer hatred。 

〃She was always in the dark; that's why she didn't remember。〃 

〃I know。 She understands now。〃 His voice was even; but his face was black 
with fury。 

I tried to reach his face with my free hand; but something stopped me。 I 
glanced down to see the IV pulling at my hand。 

〃Ugh。〃 I winced。 

〃What is it?〃 he asked anxiously — distracted; but not enough。 The 
bleakness did not entirely leave his eyes。 

〃Needles;〃 I explained; looking away from the one in my hand。 I 
concentrated on a warped ceiling tile and tried to breathe deeply despite 
the ache in my ribs。 

〃Afraid of a needle;〃 he muttered to himself under his breath; shaking 
his head。 〃Oh; a sadistic vampire; intent on torturing her to death; 
sure; no problem; she runs off to meet him。 An IV; on the other hand…〃 

I rolled my eyes。 I was pleased to discover that this reaction; at least; 
was painfree。 I decided to change the subject。 

〃Why are you here?〃 I asked。 

He stared at me; first confusion and then hurt touching his eyes。 His 
brows pulled together as he frowned。 〃Do you want me to leave?〃 

〃No!〃 I protested; horrified by the thought。 〃No; I meant; why does my 

mother think you're here? I need to have my story straight before she 
gets back。〃 

〃Oh;〃 he said; and his forehead smoothed back into marble。 〃I came to 
Phoenix to talk some sense into you; to convince you to e back to 
Forks。〃 His wide eyes were so earnest and sincere; I almost believed him 
myself。 〃You agreed to see me; and you drove out to the hotel where I was 
staying with Carlisle and Alice — of course I was here with parental 
supervision;〃 he inserted virtuously; 〃but you tripped on the stairs on 
the way to my room and… well; you know the rest。 You don't need to 
remember any details; though; you have a good excuse to be a little 
muddled about the finer points。〃 

I thought about it for a moment。 〃There are a few flaws with that story。 
Like no broken windows。〃 

〃Not really;〃 he said。 〃Alice had a little bit too much fun fabricating 
evidence。 It's all been taken care of very convincingly — you could 
probably sue the hotel if you wanted to。 You have nothing to worry 
about;〃 he promised; stroking my cheek with the lightest of touches。 
〃Your only job now is to heal。〃 

I wasn't so lost to the soreness or the fog of medication that I didn't 
respond to his touch。 The beeping of the monitor jumped around 
erratically — now he wasn't the only one who could hear my heart 

〃That's going to be embarrassing;〃 I muttered to myself。 

He chuckled; and a speculative look came into his eye。 〃Hmm; I wonder…〃 

He leaned in slowly; the beeping noise accelerated wildly before his lips 
even touched me。 But when they did; though with the most gentle of 
pressure; the beeping stopped altogether。 

He pulled back abruptly; his anxious expression turning to relief as the 
monitor reported the restarting of my heart。 

〃It seems that I'm going to have to be even more careful with you than 
usual。〃 He frowned。 

〃I was not finished kissing you;〃 I plained。 〃Don't make me e over 

He grinned; and bent to press his lips lightly to mine。 The monitor went 

But then his lips were taut。 He pulled away。 

〃I think I hear your mother;〃 he said; grinning again。 

〃Don't leave me;〃 I cried; an irrational surge of panic flooding through 
me。 I couldn't let him go — he might disappear from me again。 

He read the terror in my eyes for a short second。 〃I won't;〃 he promised 
solemnly; and then he smiled。 〃I'll take a nap。〃 

He moved from the hard plastic chair by my side to the turquoise 
fauxleather recliner at the foot of my bed; leaning it all the way back; 
and closing his eyes。 He was perfectly still。 

〃Don't forget to breathe;〃 I whispered sarcastically。 He took a deep 
breath; his eyes still closed。 

I could hear my mother now。 She was talking to someone; maybe a nurse; 
and she sounded tired and upset。 I wanted to jump out of the bed and run 
to her; to calm her; promise that everything was fine。 But I wasn't in 
any sort of shape for jumping; so I waited impatiently。 

The door opened a crack; and she peeked through。 

〃Mom!〃 I whispered; my voice full of love and relief。 

She took in Edward's still form on the recliner; and tiptoed to my 

〃He never leaves; does he?〃 she mumbled to herself。 

〃Mom; I'm so glad to see you!〃 

She bent down to hug me gently; and I felt warm tears falling on my 

〃Bella; I was so upset!〃 

〃I'm sorry; Mom。 But everything's fine now; it's okay;〃 I forted her。 

〃I'm just glad to finally see your eyes open。〃 She sat on the edge of my 

I suddenly realized I didn't have any idea when it was。 〃How long have 
they been closed?〃 

〃It's Friday; hon; you've been out for a while。〃 

〃Friday?〃 I was shocked。 I tried to remember what day it had been when… 
but I didn't want to think about that。 

〃They had to keep you sedated for a while; honey — you've got a lot of 

〃I know。〃 I could feel them。 

〃You're lucky Dr。 Cullen was there。 He's such a nice man… very young; 
though。 And he looks more like a model than a doctor…〃 

〃You met Carlisle?〃 

〃And Edward's sister Alice。 She's a lovely girl。〃 

〃She is;〃 I agreed wholeheartedly。 

She glanced over her shoulder at Edward; lying with his eyes closed in 
the chair。 〃You didn't tell 
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