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1 twilight暮色-第45部分

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Alice caught my eye on a turn and smiled in encouragement — I smiled 
back。 I was surprised to realize that I was actually enjoying myself… a 

〃Okay; this isn't half bad;〃 I admitted。 

But Edward was staring toward the doors; and his face was angry。 

〃What is it?〃 I wondered aloud。 I followed his gaze; disoriented by the 
spinning; but finally I could see what was bothering him。 Jacob Black; 
not in a tux; but in a longsleeved white shirt and tie; his hair 
smoothed back into his usual ponytail; was crossing the floor toward us。 

After the first shock of recognition; I couldn't help but feel bad for 
Jacob。 He was clearly unfortable — excruciatingly so。 His face was 
apologetic as his eyes met mine。 

Edward snarled very quietly。 

〃Behave!〃 I hissed。 

Edward's voice was scathing。 〃He wants to chat with you。〃 

Jacob reached us then; the embarrassment and apology even more evident on 
his face。 

〃Hey; Bella; I was hoping you would be here。〃 Jacob sounded like he'd 
been hoping the exact opposite。 But his smile was just as warm as ever。 

〃Hi; Jacob。〃 I smiled back。 〃What's up?〃 

〃Can I cut in?〃 he asked tentatively; glancing at Edward for the first 
time。 I was shocked to notice that Jacob didn't have to look up。 He must 
have grown half a foot since the first time I'd seen him。 

Edward's face was posed; his expression blank。 His only answer was to 
set me carefully on my feet; and take a step back。 

〃Thanks;〃 Jacob said amiably。 

Edward just nodded; looking at me intently before he turned to walk away。 

Jacob put his hands on my waist; and I reached up to put my hands on his 

〃Wow; Jake; how tall are you now?〃 

He was smug。 〃Sixtwo。〃 

We weren't really dancing — my leg made that impossible。 Instead we 
swayed awkwardly from side to side without moving our feet。 It was just 
as well; the recent growth spurt had left him looking gangly and 
uncoordinated; he was probably no better a dancer than I was。 

〃So; how did you end up here tonight?〃 I asked without true curiosity。 
Considering Edward's reaction; I could guess。 

〃Can you believe my dad paid me twenty bucks to e to your prom?〃 he 
admitted; slightly ashamed。 

〃Yes; I can;〃 I muttered。 〃Well; I hope you're enjoying yourself; at 
least。 Seen anything you like?〃 I teased; nodding toward a group of girls 
lined up against the wall like pastel confections。 

〃Yeah;〃 he sighed。 〃But she's taken。〃 

He glanced down to meet my curious gaze for just a second — then we both 
looked away; embarrassed。 

〃You look really pretty; by the way;〃 he added shyly。 

〃Um; thanks。 So why did Billy pay you to e here?〃 I asked quickly; 
though I knew the answer。 

Jacob didn't seem grateful for the subject change; he looked away; 
unfortable again。 〃He said it was a 'safe' place to talk to you。 I 
swear the old man is losing his mind。〃 

I joined in his laughter weakly。 

〃Anyway; he said that if I told you something; he would get me that 
master cylinder I need;〃 he confessed with a sheepish grin。 

〃Tell me; then。 I want you to get your car finished。〃 I grinned back。 At 
least Jacob didn't believe any of this。 It made the situation a bit 
easier。 Against the wall; Edward was watching my face; his own face 
expressionless。 I saw a sophomore in a pink dress eyeing him with timid 
speculation; but he didn't seem to be aware of her。 

Jacob looked away again; ashamed。 〃Don't get mad; okay?〃 

〃There's no way I'll be mad at you; Jacob;〃 I assured him。 〃I won't even 
be mad at Billy。 Just say what you have to。〃 

〃Well — this is so stupid; I'm sorry; Bella — he wants you to break up 
with your boyfriend。 He asked me to tell you 'please。'〃 He shook his head 
in disgust。 

〃He's still superstitious; eh?〃 

〃Yeah。 He was… kind of over the top when you got hurt down in Phoenix。 He 
didn't believe…〃Jacob trailed off selfconsciously。 

My eyes narrowed。 〃I fell。〃 

〃I know that;〃 Jacob said quickly。 

〃He thinks Edward had something to do with me getting hurt。〃 It wasn't a 
question; and despite my promise; I was angry。 

Jacob wouldn't meet my eyes。 We weren't even bothering to sway to the 
music; though his hands were still on my waist; and mine around his neck。 

〃Look; Jacob; I know Billy probably won't believe this; but just so you 
know〃 — he looked at me now; responding to the new earnestness in my 
voice — 〃Edward really did save my life。 If it weren't for Edward and his 
father; I'd be dead。〃 

〃I know;〃 he claimed; but he sounded like my sincere words had affected 
him some。 Maybe he'd be able to convince Billy of this much; at least。 

〃Hey; I'm sorry you had to e do this; Jacob;〃 I apologized。 〃At any 
rate; you get your parts; right?〃 

〃Yeah;〃 he muttered。 He was still looking awkward… upset。 

〃There's more?〃 I asked in disbelief。 

〃Forget it;〃 he mumbled; 〃I'll get a job and save the money myself。〃 

I glared at him until he met my gaze。 〃Just spit it out; Jacob。〃 

〃It's so bad。〃 

〃I don't care。 Tell me;〃 I insisted。 

〃Okay… but; geez; this sounds bad。〃 He shook his head。 〃He said to tell 
you; no; to warn you; that — and this is his plural; not mine〃 — he 
lifted one hand from my waist and made little quotations marks in the air 
— '〃We'll be watching。'〃 He watched warily for my reaction。 

It sounded like something from a mafia movie。 I laughed out loud。 

〃Sorry you had to do this; Jake;〃 I snickered。 

〃I don't mind that much。〃 He grinned in relief。 His eyes were appraising 
as they raked quickly over my dress。 〃So; should I tell him you said to 
butt the hell out?〃 he asked hopefully。 

〃No;〃 I sighed。 〃Tell him I said thanks。 I know he means well。〃 

The song ended; and I dropped my arms。 

His hands hesitated at my waist; and he glanced at my bum leg。 〃Do you 
want to dance again? Or can I help you get somewhere?〃 

Edward answered for me。 〃That's all right; Jacob。 I'll take it from here。〃 

Jacob flinched; and stared wideeyed at Edward; who stood just beside us。 

〃Hey; I didn't see you there;〃 he mumbled。 〃I guess I'll see you around; 
Bella。〃 He stepped back; waving halfheartedly。 

I smiled。 〃Yeah; I'll see you later。〃 

〃Sorry;〃 he said again before he turned for the door。 

Edward's arms wound around me as the next song started。 It was a little 
uptempo for slow dancing; but that didn't seem to concern him。 I leaned 
my head against his chest; content。 

〃Feeling better?〃 I teased。 

〃Not really;〃 he said tersely。 

〃Don't be mad at Billy;〃 I sighed。 〃He just worries about me for 
Charlie's sake。 It's nothing personal。〃 

〃I'm not mad at Billy;〃 he corrected in a clipped voice。 〃But his son is 
irritating me。〃 

I pulled back to look at him。 His face was very serious。 


〃First of all; he made me break my promise。〃 

I stared at him in confusion。 

He halfsmiled。 〃I promised I wouldn't let go of you tonight;〃 he 

〃Oh。 Well; I forgive you。〃 

〃Thanks。 But there's something else。〃 Edward frowned。 

I waited patiently。 

〃He called you pretty;〃 he finally continued; his frown deepening。 
〃That's practically an insult; the way you look right now。 You're much 
more than beautiful。〃 

I laughed。 〃You might be a little biased。〃 

〃I don't think that's it。 Besides; I have excellent eyesight。〃 

We were twirling again; my feet on his as he held me close。 

〃So are you going to explain the reason for all of this?〃 I wondered。 

He looked down at me; confused; and I glared meaningfully at the crepe 

He considered for a moment; and then changed direction; spinning me 
through the crowd to the back door of the gym。 I caught a glimpse of 
Jessica and Mike dancing; staring at me curiously。 Jessica waved; and I 
smiled back quickly。 Angela was there; too; looking blissfully happy in 
the arms of little Ben Cheney; she didn't look up from his eyes; a head 
lower than hers。 Lee and Samantha; Lauren; glaring toward us; with 
Conner; I could name every face that spiraled past me。 And then we were 
outdoors; in the cool; dim light of a fading sunset。 

As soon as we were alone; he swung me up into his arms; and carried me 
across the dark grounds till he reached the bench beneath the shadow of 
the madrone trees。 He sat there; keeping me cradled against his chest。 
The moon was already up; visible through the gauzy clouds; and his face 
glowed pale in the white light。 His mouth was hard; his eyes troubled。 

〃The point?〃 I prompted softly。 

He ignored me; staring up at the moon。 

〃Twilight; again;〃 he murmured。 〃Another ending。 No matter how perfect 
the day is; it always has to end。〃 

〃Some things don't have to end;〃 I muttered through my teeth; instantly 

He sighed。 

〃I brought you to the prom;〃 he said slowly; finally answering my 
question; 〃because I don't want you to miss anything。 I don't want my 
presence to take anything away from you; if I can help it。 I want you to 
be human。 I want your life to continue as it would have if I'd died in 
nieeneighteen like I should have。〃 

I shuddered at his words; and then shook my head angrily。 〃In what 
strange parallel dimension would I ever have gone to prom of my own free 
will? If you weren't a thousand times stronger than me; I would never 
have let you get away with this。〃 

He smiled briefly; but it didn't touch his eyes。 〃It wasn't so bad; you 
said so yourself。〃 

〃That's because I was with you。〃 

We were quiet for a minute; he stared at the moon and I stared at him。 I 
wished there was some way to explain how very uninterested I was in a 
normal human life。 

〃Will you tell me something?〃 he asked; glancing down at me with a slight 

〃Don't I always?〃 

〃Just promise you'll tell me;〃 he insisted; grinning。 

I knew I was going to regret this almost instantly。 〃Fine。〃 

〃You seemed honestly surprised when you figured out that I was taking you 
here;〃 he began。 

〃I was;〃 I interjected。 

〃Exactly;〃 he agreed。 〃But you must have had some other theory… I'm 
curious — what did you think I was dressing you up for?〃 

Yes; instant regret。 I pursed my lips; hesitating。 〃I don't want to tell 

〃You promised;〃 he objected。 

〃I know。〃 

〃What's the problem?〃 

I knew he thought it was mere embarrassment holding me back。 〃I think it 
will make you mad — or sad。〃 

His brows pulled together over his eyes as he thought that through。 〃I 
still want to know。 Please?〃 

I sighed。 He waited。 

〃Well… I assumed it was some kind of… occasion。 But I didn't think it 
would be some trite human thing… prom!〃 I scoffed。 

〃Human?〃 he asked flatly。 He'd picked up on the key word。 

I looked down at my dress; fidgeting with a stray piece of chiffon。 He 
waited in silence。 

〃Okay;〃 I confessed in a rush。 〃So I was hoping that you might have 
changed your mind… that you were going to change me; after all。〃 

A dozen emotions played across his face。 Some I recognized: anger… pain… 
and then he seemed to collect himself and his expression became amused。 

〃You thought that would be a black tie occasion; did you?〃 he teased; 
touching the lapel of his tuxedo jacket。 

I scowled to hide my embarrassment。 〃I don't know how these things work。 
To me; at least; it seems more rational than prom does。〃 He was still 
grinning。 〃It's not funny;〃 I said。 

〃No; you're right; it's not;〃 he agreed; his smile fading。 〃I'd rather 
treat it like a joke; though; than believe you're serious。〃 

〃But I am serious。〃 

He sighed deeply。 〃I know。 And you're really that willing?〃 

The pain was back in his eyes。 I bit my lip and nodded。 

〃So ready for this to be the end;〃 he murmured; almost to himself; 〃for 
this to be the twilight of your life; though your life has barely 
started。 You're ready to give up everything。〃 

〃It's not the end; it's the beginning;〃 I disagreed under my breath。 

〃I'm not worth it;〃 he said sadly。 

〃Do you remember when you told me that I didn't see myself very clearly?〃 
I asked; raising my eyebrows。 〃You obviously have the same blindness。〃 

〃I know what I am。〃 

I sighed。 

But his mercurial mood shifted on me。 He pursed his lips; and his eyes 
were probing。 He examined my face for a long moment。 

〃You're ready now; then?〃 he asked。 

〃Um。〃 I gulped。 〃Yes?〃 

He smiled; and inclined his head slowly until his cold lips brushed 
against the skin just under the corner of my jaw。 

〃Right now?〃 he whispered; his breath blowing cool on my neck。 I shivered 

〃Yes;〃 I whispered; so my voice wouldn't have a chance to break。 If he 
thought I was bluffing; he was going to be disappointed。 I'd already made 
this decision; and I was sure。 It didn't matter that my body was rigid as 
a plank; my hands balled into fists; my breathing erratic… 

He chuckled darkly; and leaned away。 His face did look disappointed。 

〃You can't really believe that I would give in so easily;〃 he said with a 
sour edge to his mocking tone。 

〃A girl can dream。〃 

His eyebrows rose。 〃Is that what you dream about? Being a monster?〃 

〃Not exactly;〃 I said; frowning at his word choice。 Monster; indeed。 
〃Mostly I dream about being with you forever。〃 

His expression changed; softened and saddened by the subtle ache in my 

〃Bella。〃 His fingers lightly traced the shape of my lips。 〃I will stay 
with you — isn't that enough?〃 

I smiled under his fingertips。 〃Enough for now。〃 

He frowned at my tenacity。 No one was going to surrender tonight。 He 
exhaled; and the sound was practically a growl。 

I touched his face。 〃Look;〃 I said。 〃I love you more than everything else 
in the world bined。 Isn't that enough?〃 

〃Yes; it is enough;〃 he answered; smiling。 〃Enough for forever。〃 

And he leaned down to press his cold lips once more to my throat。 



A huge thank you to: 

my parents; Steve and Candy; 

for a lifetime of love and support;S 

for reading great books to me when I was young; 

and for still holding my hand through the 

things that make me nervous; 

my husband; Pancho; and my sons; Gabe; Seth; and Eli; 

for sharing me so often with my imaginary friends; 

my friends at Writers House; 

Genevieve GagneHawes; for giving me that first chance; 

and my agent Jodi Reamer; for turning the most 

unlikely dreams into realities; 

my editor Megan Tingley; for all her help in 

making Twilight better than it started out; 

my brothers; Paul and Jacob; for their expert advice on all 

my automotive questions; and my online family; 

the talented staff and writers at fansofrealitytv。; 

particularly Kimberly 〃Shazzer;〃 and Collin 〃Mantenna〃 

for the encouragement; advice; 

and inspiration。 

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