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ce owes to her。

    such; my beloved adele; were the thoughts and resolutions of my mind at this time yesterday。 today they are still the same。 only there is mingled with them the certainty of happiness—such great happiness that i cannot think of it witho ut trembling; and scarcely dare to believe in it。

    then it is true that you love me; adele。 tell me; can i trust in this enchan ting idea。 don't you think that i shall end by becoming insane with joy if ever i can pass the whole of my life at your feet; sure of making you as happy as i s hall be myself; sure of being adored by you as you are adored by me。 oh! your le tter has restored peace to me with happiness。 a thousand thanks; adele; my well beloved angel。 would that i could prostrate myself before you as before a divini ty。 how happy you make me! adieu; adieu; i shall pass a very happy night dreamin g of you。

    sleep well; and allow your husband to take the twelve kisses which you promi sed him besides all those yet unpromises。

    yours affectionately;




    “我爱你”总是有许多不同的含义,而这也正好让我们了解到爱情那种令人费解的本『性』 。第一次永远是一个惊喜、一次冒犯和一次攻击『性』行动,而一旦说过“我爱你”这句话,它 就只能被不断地重复下去。如果不是这样的话,那简直是无法想像的。因为当一个人不再说 “我爱你”时,这本身就预示着一场危机的出现(“你为什么有好几个月没有那样说了?” )。从另一方面来看,“我爱你”也可以是一种威胁(“不要把它强加给我,你会失去我的 ”),或者是感情上的要挟(“我已经说过了,现在你应该做同样的表示”),或者是一种 警告(“正因为我爱你,所以才甘愿忍受这些”),或者用来表达歉意(“我不是有意当着 所有人的面那样说你的”)。它也能是一种工具——比高嗓门更有效——用来打断一次无聊 或心痛的谈话。它也可以是哭泣、请求和口头屈服(“注意听我讲!”),或者是一个借口 (“正是因为我爱你……”)。它也可以是一种伪装(“我爱你,”他低语着,并且不安地 看着那扇敞开的门)。它也可能是一种攻击(“你怎么能这么对我?”),甚至意味着一种 终结(“那就这样吧。很遗憾,再见”)。如果一个简单的短语有如此多的含义,那么使它 如此无常多变的一定是人的感情。

    “i love you〃


    “i love you〃 does not always have the same meaning; and this; too; should t ell us something about the elusive nature of love。 the first time it is always a surprise; an invasion; an aggressive act; but once said; “i love you〃 can only be repeated。 it is unthinkable that it should not be said again; and again; and again。 when one has not said it for a while; this may itself precipitate a cris is。 (“now why haven't you said that in all of these months!〃) on the other hand ; “i love you〃 can also serve as a threat (“don't push me on this; you might l ose me〃); emotional blackmail (“i've said it; now you have to respond in kind〃) ; a warning (“it's only because i love you that i'm willing to put up with this 〃); an apology (“i could not possibly have meant what i; have said to you; to y ou of all people〃)。 it can be an instrument — more effective than the loudest n oise — to interrupt a dull or painful conversation。 it can be a cry; a plea; a verbal flag (“pay attention to me!〃) or it can be an excuse (“it's only becaus e i love you …〃)。 it can be a disguise (“i love you;〃 he whispered; looking aw kwardly askance at the open door)。 it can be an attack (“how can you do this to me。〃) or even an end (“so that's that。 with regrets; goodbye〃)。 if this sing le phrase has so many meanings; how varied and variable must be the emotion。

    你的时候,我也能感受到你的气息和一股飘逸的温情悄然袭来。我能发现我的全部意念、我 最不幸的日日夜夜非但不能丝毫削弱我对美人儿的爱,反而使我对这种爱日益痴『迷』,因此一 想到你不在这儿就使我苦不堪言……过去,我从来没有明白过我对你萌生的爱究竟是怎么回 事,我不相信会有这种爱,很怕去想它,怕它使我燃烧起来。但如果你把全部的爱都给予我 ,就算会有些火焰,但在欢乐的浸润中,还是能够忍受的……除了你怡然自得的眼睛、甜蜜 的嘴唇和轻盈的步子,我什么也不要看。我愿能看见你生活在适合你的秉『性』和爱好的愉快氛 围中,让我们的爱充满欢乐,不会产生烦恼和忧虑。




    john keats to fanny brawne

    john keats

    jul。 24th; 1819

    my sweet girl;

    your letter gave me more delight than anything in the world but yourself cou ld do; indeed; i am almost astonished that any absent one should have that luxur ious power over my senses which i feel。 even when i am not thinking of you i rec eive your influence and i feel a tenderer nature stealing over me。 all my though ts; my unhappiest days and nights; have; i find; not cured me of my love of beau ty; but made it so intense that i am miserable that you are not with me。。。 i nev er knew before what such a love as you have made me feel was; i did no believe i n it; my fancy was afraid of it; lest it should burn me up。 but if you will full y love me; though there may be some fire; 'twill not be more than we can bear wh en moistened and bedewed with pleasure…i would never see anything but pleasure in your eyes; love on your lips; and happiness in your steps。 i would wish to se e you among those amusements suitable to your inclinations and spirits; so that our loves might be a delight in the midst of pleasures agreeable enough; rather than resources from vexations and cares。

    yours for ever;

    john keats



    我们每天都应该让自己做好准备,迎接可以预见的挫折和挑战。如果我们相信生活不可 能是完美的,我们就能避免因一时的冲动而放弃追求。但即使你拥有坚强的意志,能够挺过 生活和工作中的困难,有时你也会遭遇逆境,它将会在背后给你狠狠一击。

    不管是出现经济损失,或是失去同辈及亲人的尊敬,或是遭受生命重创,这些重大挫折 都会使你对自己产生自我怀疑,并且怀疑情况是否能够好转。

    我们每个人都可能遭遇困境,而且它时常发生。有些大灾难不是即刻发生就是呆在角落 等待时机。忽视逆境其实就是在欺骗自己。

    但是你必须认识到历史上有许多事例都讲述了克服重重困难之后才获得成功的人。那些 困难之大,足以粉碎他们的意志,让他们流落尘世。摩西有口吃,但他后来却成为传递上帝 福音的使者。阿伯拉罕。林肯战胜了童年的困难、绝望、丧失两个儿子的痛苦以及内战中接 踵而来的嘲笑,最终成为美国历史上无可置疑的最伟大的总统。海伦。凯勒早年双目失明, 又是个哑巴,但是她还是对世界产生了巨大影响,而富兰克林。罗斯福则患有小儿麻痹症。

    类似的例子不胜枚举。这些人不仅大胆地面对困难,而且从中学到了克服困难的宝贵经 验,然后勇往直前。

    sucomess is a choice


    all of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up everyday。 if we expect that life won't be perfect; we 'll be able to avoid that impulse to quit。 but even if you are strong enough to persist the obstacle course of life and work; sometimes you will encounter an ad verse event that will completely knock you on your back。

    whether it's a financial loss; the loss of respect of your peers or loved on es; or some other traumatic event in your life these major setbacks leave you do ubting yourself and wondering if things can ever change for the better again。

    adversity happens to all of ns; and it happens all the time。 some form of ma jor adversity is either going to be there or it's lying in wait just around the corner。 to ignore adversity is to sucomumb to the ultimate selfdelusion。

    but you must recognize that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved greatness despite facing hurdles so steep that easily could have crash ed their spirit and left them lying in the dust。 moses was a stutterer; yet he w as called on to be the voice of god。 abraham lincoln overcomes a difficult child hood; depression; the death of two sons; and constant ridicule during the civil war to become arguably our greatest president ever。 helen keller made an impact on the world despite being deaf; dumb; and blind from an early age。 franklin roo sevelt had polio。

    there are endless examples。 these were people who not only looked adversity in the face but learned valuable lessons about overcoming difficult circumstance s and were able to move ahead。



    一件认识起来很奇异也很受益的事是,一个人常常不清楚别人对他的印象是什么。是好 呢;是坏呢,还是不好不坏,这些倒是能够十分准确地猜测出来——有些人甚至没有必要让 你去猜测,他们差不多就讲给你听了——但是我想要说的不是这个。我想要说的远不止这个 。我想要说的是,一个人头脑中对自己的印象和他本人在他朋友们头脑中的印象,往往很不 一致。你曾经想到这样的事吗。——世上有那么一个诡异的人,到处跑来跑去,上街访友, 又说又笑,口出怨言,大发议论,他的朋友都对他很熟悉,对他早已知根知底,对他的看法 早有定论——但除了偶尔且谨慎的只言片语外,平时却很少对你透『露』。而那个人就是你自己 。比如,你走进一家客厅去喝茶,你敢说你便能认得这个人就是你自己吗。我看不一定。很 可能,你也会像客厅里的客人那样,当你难以忍受其他客人的『骚』扰时心里就盘算说:“这是 哪个家伙,真是怪异。但愿他少讨人嫌。”你的第一个反应就是略带敌意。甚至就连你突然 在一面镜子前面遇到了你自己,穿的衣服也正是你心里记得很清楚的那天的服装,怎么样, 你还是会因为认出了你是你这件事而感到吃惊。还有当你有时到镜子前去整理头发时,尽管 是在最清醒的大清早时刻,你不是也好像瞥见一个完全陌生的人吗?而且这陌生人还让你颇 为好奇呢。如果说连形式颜『色』动作这类外观准确的细节都是这样,那么对于像心智和道德这 种不易把握的复杂效果又将怎样呢?

    有人真心实意地去努力留下一个好印象。但结果怎样呢,不过是被他的朋友们在内心深 处认为他是一个刻意给人留下好印象的人。如果一切只凭着单独会一次面或见几次面,—— 这个人倒很能迫使另一个人接受他本人希望造成的某种印象。但是如果接受印象的人有足够 的时间来自由支配,那么印象的给予者就干脆束手静坐了,因为他的所有招数都丝毫改变不 了或影响不了他最终所造成的印象。真正的印象是在结尾,是无意而不是刻意造成的。同时 ,它也是无意而不是刻意接受的。它的形成要靠双方,而且是事先就已经确定的,最终的欺 骗是不可能的……

    expressing one's individuality

    arnold bennet

    a most curious and useful thing to realize is that one never knows the impre ssion one is creating on other people。 one may often guess pretty acomurately whe ther it is good; bad; or indifferent — some people render it unnecessary for on e to guess; they practically inform one — but that is not what i mean。 i mean m uch more than that。 i mean that one has one's self no mental picture correspondi ng to the mental picture which one's personality leaves in the minds of one's fr iends。 has it ever struck you that there is a mysterious individual going around ; walking the streets; calling at houses for tea; chatting; laughing; grumbling; arguing; and that all your friends know him and have long since added him up an d come to a definite conclusion about him — without saying more than a chance; cautious word to you; and that that person is you。 supposing that you came into a drawingroom where you were having tea; do you think you would recognize your self as an individuality。 i think not。 you would be apt to say to yourself as gu ests do when disturbed in drawingrooms by other guests: “who's this chap。 see ms rather queer。 i hope he won't be a bore。〃 and your first telling would be sli ghtly hostile。 why; even when you meet yourself in an unsuspected mirror in the very clothes that you have put on that very day and that you know by heart; you are almost always shocked by the realization that you are you。 and now and then; when you have gone to the glass to arrange your hair in the full sobriety of ea rly morning; have you not looked on an absolute stranger; and has not that stran ger piqued your curiosity。 and if it is thus with precise external details of fo rm; colour; and movement; what may it not be with the vague complex effect of th e mental and moral individuality。

    a man honestly tries to make a good impression。 what is the result。 the resu lt merely is that his friends; in the privacy of their minds; set him down as a man who tries to make a good impression。 if much depends on the result of a sing le interview; or a couple of interviews; a man may conceivably force another to acomept an impression of himself which he would like to convey。 but if the receiv er of the impression is to have time at his disposal; then the giver of the impr ession may just as well sit down and put his hands in his pockets; for nothing t hat he can do will modify or influence in any way the impression that he will ul timately give。 the real impress is; in the end; given unconsciously; not conscio usly; and further; it is received unconsciously; not consciously。 it depends par tly on both persons。 and it is immutably fixed beforehand。 there can be no final deception…


第1卷 第五章

    滚 球


    在我4岁时,我从大西洋城里一个货场的货车上摔了下来,头先着地,于是我失去了视 力。现在我32岁了,我能模糊地记起阳光的灿烂,红『色』的鲜艳。能恢复视力当然是件奇妙的 事情,但一场灾难也可以对人产生奇妙的作用。有一天,我突然想到,如果我没有成为盲人 ,我可能不会像现在这样热爱生活。现在,我相信生活,但我不能肯定,如果自己的视力正 常,会不会像现在这样深深地相信生活。我并不是说我宁愿失去视力,我的意思是由于视力 的丧失使我更加珍惜自己其他方面的能力。

    我相信,生活要求人们不断地调整自己去适应现实。人越能及时地调整自己,他的个人 世界便越有意义。调整是件很困难的事。我一度感到茫然、恐惧,但我是幸运的。我的父母 和老师在我身上发现了某种东西——你可以称它为“活下去的潜力”——虽然我自己并没有 发现。他们激起我与失明搏斗的勇气。

    我不得不学会的最艰难的一课就是相信我自己,这一点是最基本的。如果做不到这点, 我可能会精神崩溃,剩下的时光只能坐在前门廊的摇椅中度过。相信自己并不仅仅指支持我 独自走下陌生楼梯的那种自信。那只是自信的一部分。我指的是一些更大的事情:那就是坚 信自己虽然有缺陷,却是一个真正的有进取心的人;坚信在芸芸众生错综复杂的格局当中, 一定有一个特殊的位置供我立足。

    我花了很多年的时间才树立起这一信念,并把它不断地强化。这必须从最简单的事情做 起。有一次,一个人送给我一个室内玩的棒球,我想他在嘲笑我,感觉受到了伤害。“我不 能玩这个东西。”我说,“你自己拿去吧。”他竭力劝我说:“你可以在地上滚。”他的话 深深地印在我的脑海里。“在地上滚!”滚动的球可以使我听见它朝哪个方向滚动。我马上 联想到一个我曾认为不可能做到的事情:打棒球。在费城的奥弗布鲁克盲人学校,我成功地 发明了一种很受欢迎的棒球游戏,我们称它为地面球。

    我给自己的一生树立了一系列目标,然后一次一个、竭尽全力地去实现它们。我必须知 道自己的局限。如果一开始就知道某个目标根本不可能实现却硬要去做,那不会带来任何益 处,因为它只会带来失败的苦果。我有时也会失败,但一般说来我总会取得进步。

    a ball to roll around


    i lost my sight when i was four years old by falling off a box car in a frei ght yard in atlantic city and landing on my head。 now i am thirtytwo。 i can va guely remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is。 it would be won derful to see again; but a calamity can do strange things to people。 it ocomurred to me the other day that i might not have come to love life as i do if i hadn't been blind。 i believe in life now。 i am not so sure that i would have believed in it so deeply; otherwise。 i don't mean that i would prefer to go without my ey es。 i simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what i had l eft。

    life; i believe; asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality。 the mor e readily a person is able to make these adjustments; the more meaningful his ow n private world becomes。 the adjustment is never easy。 i was bewildered and afra id。 but i was lucky。 my parents and my teachers saw something in me — a potenti al to live; you might 
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