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but i was lucky。 my parents and my teachers saw something in me — a potenti al to live; you might call it — which i didn't see; and they made me want to fi ght it out with blindness。
the hardest lesson i had to learn was to believe in myself。 that was basic。 if i hadn't been able to do that; i would have collapsed and become a chair rock er on the front porch for the rest of my life。 when i say belief in myself i am not talking about simply the kind of selfconfidence that helps me down an unfa miliar staircase alone。 that is part of it。 but i mean something bigger than tha t: an assurance that i am; despite imperfections; a real; positive person; that somewhere in the sweeping; intricate pattern of people there is a special place where i can make myself fit。
it took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance。 it had to start with the most elementary things。 once a man gave me an indoor baseball。 i though t he was mocking me and i was hurt。 “i can't use this。〃 i said。 “take it with you;〃 he urged me; “and roll it around。〃 the words stuck in my head。 “roll it around!〃 by rolling the ball i could hear where it went。 this gave me an idea ho w to achieve a goal i had thought impossible: playing baseball。 at philadelphia' s overbrook school for the blind i invented a sucomessful variation of baseball。 we called it ground ball。
all my life i have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them; one at a time。 i had to learn my limitations。 it was no good to try for s omething i knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited t he bitterness of failure。 i would fail sometimes anyway but on the average i mad e progress。
从前,有个圆圈丢失了一块楔子。它想保持完整,所以它到处寻找那块楔子。但因为它 是不完整的,所以它只能慢慢地往前滚。在路上,它对花儿表示羡慕;它与虫子谈天说地; 它还欣赏到阳光之美。圆圈找到了许多不同的楔子,但没有一件适合它。所以,它将它们全 都扔在路边,继续寻觅。终于有一天,它找到了一个完美的楔子。圆圈是如此高兴,因为现 在它可以说是完美无缺了。它装好配件,并开始滚动起来。它已成为一个完美的圆圈,所以 它滚动得非常快,以至于没有时间观赏花儿,也无暇与虫子交谈。当圆圈意识到因为它滚得 如此之快,以至于失去了原有的世界时,它停了下来,将找到的配件扔在路边,又开始慢慢 地往前滚动。
我想,这个故事告诉人们,从某种奇怪的意义上来说,当我们失去了一些东西时,反而 会更加完整。一个拥有一切的人在某些方面其实是个穷人,因为他永远也体会不到什么是渴 望、期待及如何用美好梦想滋养自己的灵魂。他也永远不可能有这样的体验——一个爱他的 人送给他某种他梦寐以求的或者从未拥有过的东西意味着什么。
人生的完整『性』在于知道如何面对缺陷,如何勇敢地摒弃不现实的幻想而又不以此为憾。 人生的完整『性』还在于学会勇敢地面对人生悲剧而继续活下去,能够在失去某人后依然能表现 出完整的个人风范。
人生并不是上帝为了谴责我们的缺陷而给我们设下的陷阱。人生也不是一场拼字游戏的 比赛——不管你拼出了多少单词,一旦出现失误,你便前功尽弃。人生更像是一个棒球赛季 ,即使最好的球队也可能丢掉三分之一的比赛,而最差的球队也有辉煌的胜利。我们的目标 就是多赢球,少输球。当我们接受“不完整『性』”是人类本『性』的一部分时,当我们不断地进行 人生滚动并能欣赏其价值时,我们就会获得其他人仅能渴望的完整人生。我相信这就是上帝 对我们的要求:不求“完美”,也不求“永不犯错”,而是追求人生的“完整”。
如果我们有足够的勇敢地去爱,有足够的坚强去宽容,有足够的大度地去为别人的快乐 而高兴,有足够的睿智去理解充满于我们身边的爱,那么我们就能取得别的生物所不能取得 的满足感。
the wholeness of life
once a circle missed a wedge。 the circle wanted to be whole; so it went arou nd looking for its missing piece。 but because it was incomplete and therefore co uld roll only very slowly; it admired the flowers along the way。 it chatted with worms。 it enjoyed the sunshine。 it found lots of different pieces; but none of them fit。 so it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching。 the n one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly。 it was so happy。 now it c ould be whole; with nothing missing。 it incorporated the missing piece into itse lf and began to roll。 now that it was a perfect circle; it could roll very fast; too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms。 when it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly; it stopped; left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away。
the lesson of the story; i suggested; was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something。 the man who has everything is in some ways a poor man。 he will never know what it feels like to yearn; to hope; to nou rish his soul with the dream of something better。 he will never know the experie nce of having someone who loves him give him something he has always wanted or n ever had。
there is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitat ions; who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so。 there is a wholeness about the man or woman who ha s learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive; s he can lose someone and still feel like a complete person。
life is not a trap set for us by cod so that he can condemn us for failing。 life is not a spelling bee; where no matter how many words you've gotten right; you're disqualified if you make one mistake。 life is more like a baseball season ; where even the best team loses one third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance。 our goal is to win more games than we lose。 when we acomept that imperfection is part of being human; and when we can continue rollin g through life and appreciate it; we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to。 that; i believe; is what god asks of us—not “be perfect〃; not “don't even make a mistake〃; but “be whole〃。
if we are brave enough to love; strong enough to forgive; generous enough to rejoice in another's happiness; and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all; then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living cr eature will ever know。
面 貌
这篇文章是女作家凯丝为了在新书广告上刊登相片而引发的一段感想。文中先由林肯的 名言谈起容貌对人的影响,进而反观自己脸上烙印的“时间轨迹”,终而肯定人生的经历远 比刻意妆点修饰的外表重要。
我很喜欢一个故事。那是有关林肯内阁推荐职务的。他的一位顾问极力向他推荐一位候 选人,但是林肯拒绝接受这个建议。因此,林肯被要求给出原因来。
“可是那个可怜的人不应对他的长相负责。” 推荐人坚持道。
“每个人一旦过了40岁就应该对自己的长相负责。” 林肯答复完就转到其他事情的讨 论上了。
最近在出版商的游说之下,我拍了一些照片。他提醒我,我已经很久没给他新照片了, 我不能总使用一样的姿势呀。我不喜欢拍相的过程,当我看到最近一次痛苦经历的结果后, 就不喜欢这些照片了。我把新照片和25年前的一张照片比较之后,想到我要以现在的面貌面 对公众时,我的女『性』虚荣心开始遭受剧痛。我的第一个直觉就是“修饰” 一下这些照片, 虽然我从不修饰自己的脸或头发,因为我一直认为女人这么做,除了骗自己之外谁也骗不了 。当我深思过这些照片之后,我明白这其中蕴含着一个更重要的原则。
四分之一世纪的生活在女人脸上除了留下了一些皱纹及不受欢迎的皱痕之外,还有更多 的东西。在这段漫长的时间里,她已经饱尝痛苦与欢乐、开心与伤心以及生生死死。她生存 与斗争,失败和成功。她失去又重获信心。作为结果,她应该比年轻时更英明、高雅、有耐 心、有度量。她的幽默感应该成熟起来了,见解也应该更为拓展,同情心应该加深了。而所 有的这一切都会表现出来。如果她试图擦除这些岁月的痕迹,同时也冒了摧毁经验与『性』格印 痕的危险。
我知道自己比25年前更有经验,也希望我比以前更有个『性』。所以我按照原样公布了我的 照片。
face and fortune
frances parkinson keyes
“to thine own self be true。〃
there is a story about a proposed appointment in lincoln's cabinet that i ha ve always liked very much。 one of his advisers urgently recommended a candidate and lincoln declined to follow the suggestion。 so he was asked to give his reaso ns。
“i don't like the man's face。〃 lincoln explained briefly。
“but the poor man is not responsible for his face。〃 his advocate insisted。
“every man over forty is responsible for his face。〃 lincoln replied; and tu rned to the discussion of other matters。
recently; at the instigation of my publisher; i had some photographs taken。 it was a long time; he reminded me; since i had supplied him with a new one; i c ould not go on using the same pose indefinitely。 i do not enjoy the process of b eing photographed; and when i saw the results of this latest ordeal; i enjoyed t hese still less。 i compared the new photograph with one that had been taken twen tyfive years ago; and my feminine vanity suffered an acute pang at the thought of being presented to the public as i am today。 my first instinct was to have t he prints “touched up;〃 though i have never “touched up〃 my own face or my own hair because i have always maintained that women who did this deceived no one e xcept themselves。 as i thoughtfully considered the photographs; i knew that a st ill more important principle was involved。
a quarter century of living should put a great deal into a woman's face besi des a few wrinkles and some unwelcome folds around the chin。 in that length of t ime she has become intimately acquainted with pain and pleasure; joy and sorrow; life and death。 she has struggled and survived; failed and sucomeeded。 she has l ost and regained faith。 and; as a result; she should be wiser; gentler; more pat ient and more tolerant than she was when she was young。 her sense of humor shoul d have mellowed; her outlook should have widened; her sympathies should have dee pened。 and all this should show。 if she tries to erase the imprint of age; she r uns the risk of destroying; at the same time; the imprint of experience and char acter。
i know i am more experienced than i was a quarter century ago and i hope i h ave more character。 i released the pictures as they were。
塞缪尔。麦考德。克罗瑟斯(1867—1931),美国优秀散文作家,生于伊利诺州,曾先后 就读于普林斯顿大学、联合神学院与哈佛大学等学校,以学识渊博与善于讲道著称于世。
人生许多微小不快的背后原因,都因为这种人人想当别人的自然欲望,它使社会不能圆 满合理地组织起来,不能让每个人都各司其职,各就其位。想当别人的欲望常常引导我们去 做一些严格意义上来说并不属于自己范围的事。我们的才干本领常常超出我们自己行业与职 务的狭小范围。每个人都觉得自己才过其位,大才小用。因而无时无刻不在做着那种神学家 们所谓的“额外余功”。
一个态度认真的女佣人不会满足于只干几件被吩咐的差事。她身上有着剩余精力没有用 完。她的志向是做一名改革家庭方面的专家。于是她来到那家虚有其名的主人的书桌面前, 在那上面进行一番彻底改革。按照她的整洁观点,所有文件都重新被做了归置。当那位可怜 的主人回来后,发现为他熟悉的杂『乱』已经变成可恶的整齐时,他简直成了—个反动分子。
一位秉『性』严肃的市街铁道公司经理绝不会只从运送乘客方面,和使乘客觉得便宜、舒适 这一简单责任中获得满足感。他要发挥在一个道德促进会上一位宣讲人的职能。于是,当一 位可怜的乘客正在皮带环的下面被弄得摇晃蹒跚站立不稳时,他却要为这位乘客读份东西, 请求他发扬基督徒的美德,不要推挤。
一个人走进理发店,目的只是刮刮胡子而已。但却遇到一位雄心壮志的理发师。这位志 向高超的理发师绝不满足于仅对人类的幸福做微小的贡献。他坚持认为,他这位顾客还需要 洗发、修指、按摩、在滚热『毛』巾下发汗,在电风扇下冷却,等等,并在进行所有这些的同时 ,他的皮鞋还必须被重新上油擦拭。
当你看到有些人在接受种种他们并不需要的服务时所表现的这种忍耐,你不觉得奇怪吗 。其实也不过是为了不伤害情愿多干点活的手艺人的感情罢了。你看,卧车中一些乘客站起 身来让人家为他刷衣服时,有着一副多么耐心的神情啊,他们十有八九并不想让人去刷。他 们宁愿衣服上留着灰尘也不愿被迫忍受这种事。但是他们明白不能让别人感到失望。这乃是 一项整个旅行中的隆重仪式,是正式献礼之前不可缺少的。
人人想当别人,这种情形也是艺术家与文人学士出现越轨现象的一个重要原因。我们的 画家、剧作家、音乐家、诗人以及小说作者也就像上面说的女佣人,铁路经理与列车员一样 ,犯着人们所通有的『毛』病。他们总是希望“以最多的方式对最多的人们做最多的工作”。他 们厌倦了自己所熟悉的东西,而喜欢尝试种种新的结合。于是他们经常把不同的事物拉扯在 一起。一种艺术的实践者总是尽量用另外一种艺术制造出某种效果。
于是有的音乐家想当画家,像使用画笔一样来使用小提琴。他要让我们看见他为我们描 绘的落日彩霞。而画家则想当音乐家,想把交响乐画出来,并很苦恼那些缺乏修养的人听不 出他画中的音乐,因为那些『色』彩明明在互相咆哮着。另一位画家则想当建筑师,希望他构制 出的图画能产生砖石砌成的感觉。结果他的作品倒很像一所砖房,但可惜在一般正常人看来 却不像一张图画。再如一位散文作家厌倦了写散文,而想当诗人。于是他在每一行开头用了 大写字母以后,却继续照着他的散文写法不误。
再比如看戏剧。你带着你那简单的莎土比亚式的观念走进剧院,以为来到这里就是看戏 。但是你的剧作家却想成为病理学家。于是你发现自己身陷诊所,四周阴森难耐。你本来是 到这里来消遣,找个地方舒散舒散,但你这位不入流的人士却走入这个专门为你准备的场所 ,因此你不得不熬到终场。至于你有你自己的苦衷这点并不成为充分的理由使你豁免。
又如你拿起一部小说来看,以为这肯定是一则故事。谁料到你的小说家却别有其见解。 他想充当你的精神顾问。他要对你的心智有所建树,他要把你的基本思想重新整理一番,他 要按摩你的灵魂,对你的周身进行大扫除。尽管你并不想让他为你做什么扫除或调整,他却 要为你做所有这些事。你不愿你的那颗心被他触动。确实,你自己也只有那么一颗可怜的心 ,你自己的工作也还需要它。
every man's natural desire
to be somebody else
samuel mcomhord crothers
the natural desire of every man to be somebody else explains many of the min or irritations of life。 it prevents that perfect or ganizatiott of society in wh ich everyone should know his place and keep it。 the desire to be somebody else l eads us to practice on work that does; not strictly belong to us。 we all have ap titudes and talents that overflow the narrow bounds of our trade or profession。 every man feels that he is bigger than his job; and he is all the time doing wha t theologians call “works of supererogation。”
the seriousminded housemaid is not content to do what she is told to do。 s he has an unexpended balance of energy。 she wants to be a general household refo rmer。 so she goes to the desk of the titular master of the house and gives it a thorough reformation。 she arranges the papers acomording to her idea of neatness。 when the poor gentleman returns and finds his familiar chaos transformed into a hateful order; he becomes a reactionary。
the serious manager of a street railway company is not content with the simp le duty of transporting passengers cheaply and comfortably。 he wants to exercise the functions of a lecturer in an ethical culture society。 while the transporte d victim is swaying precariously from the end of a strap he reads a notice urgin g him to practise christian courtesy and not to push。
a man enters a barber's shop with the simple desire of being shaved。 but he meets with the more ambitious desires of the barber。 the serious barber is not c ontent with any slight contribution to human welfare。he insists that his client shall be shampooed; manicured; massaged; steamed beneath boiling towels; cooled off by electric fans; and; while all this is going on; that he shall have his bo ots blacked。
have you never marveled at the patience of people in having so many th
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