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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第1部分

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                                               THE SCARLET LETTER                             by Nathaniel HawthorneINTRODUCTORY                        THE CUSTOM…HOUSE。               INTRODUCTORY TO 〃THE SCARLET LETTER〃。  IT is a little remarkable; that… though disinclined to talk overmuchof myself and my affairs at the fireside; and to my personalfriends… an autobiographical impulse should twice in my life havetaken possession of me; in addressing the public。 The first time wasthree or four years since; when I favoured the reader… inexcusably;and for no earthly reason; that either the indulgent reader or theintrusive author could imagine… with a description of my way of lifein the deep quietude of an Old Manse。 And now… because; beyond mydeserts; I was happy enough to find a listener or two on the formeroccasion… I again seize the public by the button; and talk of my threeyears' experience in a Custom…House。 The example of the famous 〃P。 P。;Clerk of this Parish;〃 was never more faithfully followed。 The truthseems to be; however; that; when he casts his leaves forth upon thewind; the author addresses; not the many who will fling aside hisvolume; or never take it up; but the few who will understand him;better than most of his schoolmates or lifemates。 Some authors;indeed; do far more than this; and indulge themselves in suchconfidential depths of revelation as could fittingly be addressed;only and exclusively; to the one heart and mind; of perfectsympathy; as if the printed book; thrown at large on the wide world;were certain to find out the divided segment of the writer's ownnature; and plete his circle of existence by bringing him intomunion with it。 It is scarcely decorous; however; to speak all;even where we speak impersonally。 But; as thoughts are frozen andutterance benumbed; unless the speaker stand in some true relationwith his audience; it may be pardonable to imagine that a friend; akind and apprehensive; though not the closest friend; is listeningto our talk; and then; a native reserve being thawed by this genialconsciousness; we may prate of the circumstances that lie around us;and even of ourself; but still keep the inmost Me behind its veil。To this extent; and within these limits; an author; methinks; may beautobiographical; without violating either the reader's rights orhis own。  It will be seen; likewise; that this Custom…House sketch has acertain propriety; of a kind always recognised in literature; asexplaining how a large portion of the following pages came into mypossession; and as offering proofs of the authenticity of anarrative therein contained。 This; in fact… a desire to put myselfin my true position as editor; or very little more; of the most prolixamong the tales that make up my volume… this; and no other; is my truereason for assuming a personal relation with the public。 Inacplishing the main purpose; it has appeared allowable; by a fewextra touches; to give a faint representation of a mode of life notheretofore described; together with some of the characters that movein it; among whom the author happened to make one。  In my native town of Salem; at the head of what; half a century ago;in the days of old King Derby; was a bustling wharf… but which isnow burdened with decayed wooden warehouses; and exhibits few or nosymptoms of mercial life; except; perhaps; a bark or brig; half…waydown its melancholy length; discharging hides; or; nearer at hand; aNova Scotia schooner; pitching out her cargo of firewood… at thehead; I say; of this dilapidated wharf; which the tide oftenoverflows; and along which; at the base and in the rear of the rowof buildings; the track of many languid years is seen in a border ofunthrifty grass… here; with a view from its front windows adown thisnot very enlivening prospect; and thence across the harbour; standsa spacious edifice of brick。 From the loftiest point of its roof;during precisely three and a half hours of each forenoon; floats ordroops; in breeze or calm; the banner of the republic; but with thethirteen stripes turned vertically; instead of horizontally; andthus indicating that a civil; and not a military post of Uncle Sam'sgovernment is here established。 Its front is ornamented with a porticoof half…a…dozen wooden pillars; supporting a balcony; beneath whicha flight of wide granite steps descends towards the street。 Over theentrance hovers an enormous specimen of the American eagle; withoutspread wings; a shield before her breast; and; if I recollectaright; a bunch of intermingled thunderbolts and barbed arrows in eachclaw。 With the customary infirmity of temper that characterises thisunhappy fowl; she appears; by the fierceness of her beak and eye;and the general truculency of her attitude; to threaten mischief tothe inoffensive munity; and especially to warn all citizens;careful of their safety; against intruding on the premises which sheovershadows with her wings。 Nevertheless; vixenly as she looks; manypeople are seeking; at this very moment; to shelter themselves underthe wing of the federal eagle; imagining; I presume; that her bosomhas all the softness and snugness of an eider…down pillow。 But she hasno great tenderness; even in her best of moods; and; sooner orlater… oftener soon than late… is apt to fling off her nestlings; witha scratch of her claw; a dab of her beak; or a rankling wound from herbarbed arrows。  The pavement round about the above…described edifice… which we mayas well name at once as the Custom…House of the port… has grass enoughgrowing in its chinks to show that it has not; of late days; been wornby any multitudinous resort of business。 In some months of the year;however; there often chances a forenoon when affairs move onwardwith a livelier tread。 Such occasions might remind the elderly citizenof that period before the last war with England; when Salem was a portby itself; not scorned; as she is now; by her own merchants andship…owners; who permit her wharves to crumble to ruin; while theirventures go to swell; needlessly and imperceptibly; the mighty floodof merce at New York or Boston。 On some such morning; when three orfour vessels happen to have arrived at once… usually from Africa orSouth America… or to be on the verge of their departure thitherward;there is a sound of frequent feet; passing briskly up and down thegranite steps。 Here; before his own wife has greeted him; you maygreet the sea…flushed shipmaster; just in port; with his vessel'spapers under his arm; in a tarnished tin box。 Here; too; es hisowner; cheerful or sombre; gracious or in the sulks; accordingly ashis scheme of the now acplished voyage has been realised inmerchandise that will readily be turned to gold; or has buried himunder a bulk of inmodities; such as nobody will care to rid him of。Here; likewise… the germ of the wrinkle…browed; grizzly…bearded;care…worn merchant… we have the smart young clerk; who gets thetaste of traffic as a wolf…cub does of blood; and already sendsadventures in his master's ships; when he had better be sailingmimic…boats upon a mill…pond。 Another figure in the scene is theoutward…bound sailor; in quest of a protection; or the recentlyarrived one; pale and feeble; seeking a passport to the hospital。Nor must we forget the captains of the rusty little schooners thatbring firewood from the British provinces; a rough…looking set oftarpaulins; without the alertness of the Yankee aspect; butcontributing an item of no slight importance to our decaying trade。  Cluster all these individuals together; as they sometimes were; withother miscellaneous ones to diversify the group; and; for the timebeing; it made the Custom…House a stirring scene。 More frequently;however; on ascending the steps; you would discern… in the entry; ifit were summer time; or in their appropriate rooms; if wintry orinclement weather… a row of venerable figures; sitting inold…fashioned chairs; which were tipped on their hind legs backagainst the wall。 Oftentimes they were asleep; but occasionallymight be heard talking together; in voices between speech and a snore;and with that lack of energy that distinguishes the occupants ofalms…houses; and all other human beings who depend for subsistence oncharity; on monopolised labour; or anything else but their ownindependent exertions。 These old gentlemen… seated; like Matthew; atthe receipt of customs; but not very liable to be summoned thence;like him; for apostolic errands… were Custom…House officers。  Furthermore; on the left hand as you enter the front door; is acertain room or office; about fifteen feet square; and of a loftyheight; with two of its arched windows manding a view of theaforesaid dilapidated wharf; and the third looking across a narrowlane; and along a portion of Derby Street。 All three give glimpsesof the shops of grocers; block…makers; slop…sellers; andship…chandlers; around the doors of which are generally to be seen;laughing and gossiping; clusters of old salts; and such otherwharf…rats as haunt the Wapping of a seaport。 The room itself iscobwebbed; and dingy with old paint; its floor is strewn with greysand; in a fashion that has elsewhere fallen into long disuse; andit is easy to conclude; from the general slovenliness of the place;that this is a sanctuary into which womankind; with her tools ofmagic; the broom and mop; has very infrequent access。 In the way offurniture; there is a stove with a voluminous funnel; an old pinedesk; with a three…legged stool beside it; two or threewooden…bottom chairs; exceedingly decrepit and infirm; and… not toforget the library… on some shelves; a score or two of volumes ofthe Acts of Congress; and a bulky Digest of the Revenue Laws。 A tinpipe ascends through the ceiling; and forms a medium of vocalmunication with other parts of the edifice。 And here; some sixmonths ago… pacing from corner to corner; or lounging on thelong…legged stool; with his elbow on the desk; and his eyeswandering up and down the columns of the morning newspaper… youmight have recognised; honoured reader; the same individual whoweled you into his cheery little study; where the sunshineglimmered so pleasantly through the willow branches; on the westernside of the Old Manse。 But now; should you go thither to seek him; youwould inquire in vain for the Locofoco Surveyor。 The besom of reformhas swept him out of office; and a worthier successor wears hisdignity; and pockets his emoluments。  This old town of Salem… my native place; though I have dwelt muchaway from it; both in boyhood and maturer years… possesses; or didpossess; a hold on my affections; the force of which I have neverrealised during my seasons of actual residence here。 Indeed; so far asits physical aspect is concerned; with its flat; unvaried surface;covered chiefly with wooden houses; few or none of which pretend toarchitectural beauty… its irregularity; which is neither picturesquenor quaint; but only tame… its long and lazy street; loungingwearisomely through the whole extent of the peninsula; with GallowsHill and New Guinea at one end; and a view of the alms…house at theother… such being the features of my native town; it would be quite asreasonable to form a sentimental attachment to a disarrangedchecker…board。 And yet; though invariably happiest elsewhere; there iswithin me a feeling for old Salem; which; in lack of a betterphrase; I must be content to call affection。 The sentiment is probablyassignable to the deep and aged roots which my family has struckinto the soil。 It is now nearly two centuries and a quarter sincethe original Briton; the earliest emigrant of my name; made hisappearance in the wild and forest…bordered settlement; which has sincebee a city。 And here his descendants have been born and died; andhave mingled their earthy substance with the soil; until no smallportion of it must necessarily be akin to the mortal framewherewith; for a little while; I walk the streets。 In part; therefore;the attachment which I speak of is the mere sensuous sympathy ofdust for dust。 Few of my countrymen can know what it is; nor; asfrequent transplantation is perhaps better for the stock; need theyconsider it desirable to know。  But the sentiment has likewise its moral quality。 The figure of thatfirst ancestor; invested by family tradition with a dim and duskygrandeur; was present to my boyish imagination; as far back as I canremember。 It still haunts me; and induces a sort of home…feelingwith the past; which I scarcely claim in reference to the presentphase of the town。 I seem to have a stronger claim to a residence hereon account of this grave; bearded; sable…cloaked and steeple…crownedprogenitor… who came so early; with his Bible and his sword; andtrod the unworn street with such a stately port; and made so large afigure; as a man of war and peace… a stronger claim than for myself;whose name is seldom heard and my face hardly known。 He was a soldier;legislator; judge; he was a ruler in the Church; he had all thePuritanic traits; both good and evil。 He was likewise a bitterpersecutor; as embered him in theirhistories; and relate an incident of his hard severity towards a womanof their sect; which will last longer; it is to be feared; than anyrecord of his better deeds; although these were many。 His son; too;inherited the persecuting spirit; and made himself so conspicuous inthe martyrdom of the witches; that their blood may fairly be said tohave left a stain upon him。 So deep a stain; indeed; that his olddry bones; in the Charter Street burial…ground; must still retainit; if they have not crumbled utterly to dust! I know not whetherthese ancestors of mine bethought themselves to repent; and ask pardonof Heaven; for their cruelties; or whether they are now groaning underthe heavy consequences of them; in another state of being。 At allevents; I; the present writer; as their representative; hereby takeshame upon myself for their sakes; and pray that any curse incurred bythem… as I have heard; and as the dreary and unprosperous condition ofthe race; for many a long year back; would argue to exist… may benow and henceforth removed。  Doubtless; however; either of these stern and black…browedPuritans would have thought it quite a sufficient retribution forhis sins; that; after so long a lapse of years; the old trunk of thefamily tree; with so much venerable moss upon it; should have borne;as its topmost bough; an idler like myself。 No aim; that I have evercherished; would they recognise as laudable; no success of mine… ifmy life; beyond its domestic scope; had ever been brightened bysuccess… would they deem otherwise than worthless; if not positivelydisgraceful。 〃Where is he?〃 murmurs one grey shadow of myforefathers to the other。 〃A writer of story…books! What kind of abusiness in life… what mode of glorifying God; or being serviceable tomankind in his day and generation… may that be? Why; the degeneratefellow might as well have been a fiddler!〃 Such are the plimentsbandied between my great…grandsires and myself; across the gulf oftime! And yet; let them scorn me as they will; strong traits oftheir nature have intertwined themselves with mine。  Planted deep; in the town's earliest infancy and childhood; by thesetwo earnest and energetic men; the race has ev
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