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埴麼胎-the prince(哂猟井)-及11何蛍
酔楯荷恬: 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈 梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何! 泌惚云慕短嗤堋響頼誅卒亮茂俊彭堋響辛聞喘貧圭 "辺茄欺厘議箝誓匂" 孔嬬 才 "紗秘慕禰" 孔嬬
retained thekingdom。Therefore察do not let our princes accuse fortune for the loss of theirprincipalities after so many years' possession察but rather their oes they never thought there could be a changeit is a mon defect in man not to make any provision in the calmagainst the tempest察and when afterwards the bad times came theythought of flight and not of defending themselves察and they hoped thatthe people察disgusted with the insolence of the conquerors察would recallthem。 This course察when others fail察may be good察but it is very bad tohave neglected all other expedients for that察since you would never wishto fall because you trusted to be able to find someone later on torestore you。 This again either does not happen察or察if it does察it willnot be for your security察because that deliverance is of no avail whichdoes not depend upon yourself察those only are reliable察certain察anddurable that depend on yourself and your valour。CHAPTER XXVWHAT FORTUNE CAN EFFECT IN HUMAN AFFAIRS察AND HOW TO WITHSTAND HERIT is not unknown to me how many men have had察and still have察theopinion that the affairs of the world are in such wise governed byfortune and by God that men with their wisdom cannot direct them andthat no one can even help them察and because of this they would have usbelieve that it is not necessary to labour much in affairs察but to letchance govern them。 This opinion has been more credited in our timesbecause of the great changes in affairs which have been seen察and maystill be seen察every day察beyond all human conjecture。 Sometimespondering over this察I am in some degree inclined to their opinion。Nevertheless察not to extinguish our free will察I hold it to be true thatFortune is the arbiter of one´half of our actions察but that she stillleaves us to direct the other half察or perhaps a little less。I pare her to one of those raging rivers察which when in floodoverflows the plains察sweeping away trees and buildings察bearing awaythe soil from place to place察everything flies before it察all yield toits violence察without being able in any way to withstand it察and yetthough its nature be such察it does not follow therefore that men察whenthe weather bees fair察shall not make provision察both with defencesand barriers察in such a manner that察rising again察the waters may passaway by canal察and their force be neither so unrestrained nor sodangerous。 So it happens with fortune察who shows her power where valourhas not prepared to resist her察and thither she turns her forces whereshe knows that barriers and defences have not been raised to constrainher。And if you will consider Italy察which is the seat of these changes察andwhich has given to them their impulse察you will see it to be an opencountry without barriers and without any defence。 For if it had beendefended by proper valour察as are Germany察Spain察and France察eitherthis invasion would not have made the great changes it has made or itwould not have e at all。 And this I consider enough to say concerningresistance to fortune in general。But confining myself more to the particular察I say that a prince may beseen happy to´day and ruined to´morrow without having shown any changeof disposition or character。 This察I believe察arises firstly from causesthat have already been discussed at length察namely察that the prince whorelies entirely upon fortune is lost when it changes。 I believe alsothat he will be successful who directs his actions according to thespirit of the times察and that he whose actions do not accord with thetimes will not be successful。 Because men are seen察in affairs that leadto the end which every man has before him察namely察glory and riches察toget there by various methods察one with caution察another with haste察oneby force察another by skill察one by patience察another by its oppositeand each one succeeds in reaching the goal by a different method。 Onecan also see of two cautious men the one attain his end察the other failand similarly察two men by different observances are equally successfulthe one being cautious察the other impetuous察all this arises fromnothing else than whether or not they conform in their methods to thespirit of the times。 This follows from what I have said察that two menworking differently bring about the same effect察and of two workingsimilarly察one attains his object and the other does not。Changes in estate also issue from this察for if察to one who governshimself with caution and patience察times and affairs converge in such away that his administration is successful察his fortune is made察but iftimes and affairs change察he is ruined if he does not change his courseof action。 But a man is not often found sufficiently circumspect to knowhow to acmodate himself to the change察both because he cannot deviatefrom what nature inclines him to察and also because察having alwaysprospered by acting in one way察he cannot be persuaded that it is wellto leave it察and察therefore察the cautious man察when it is time to turnadventurous察does not know how to do it察hence he is ruined察but had hechanged his conduct with the times fortune would not have changed。Pope Julius II went to work impetuously in all his affairs察and foundthe times and circumstances conform so well to that line of action thathe always met with success。 Consider his first enterprise againstBologna察Messer Giovanni Bentivogli being still alive。 The Veianswere not agreeable to it察nor was the King of Spain察and he had theenterprise still under discussion with the King of France察neverthelesshe personally entered upon the expedition with his accustomed boldnessand energy察a move which made Spain and the Veians stand irresoluteand passive察the latter from fear察the former from desire to recover allthe kingdom of Naples察on the other hand察he drew after him the King ofFrance察because that king察having observed the movement察and desiring tomake the Pope his friend so as to humble the Veians察found itimpossible to refuse him soldiers without manifestly offending him。Therefore Julius with his impetuous action acplished what no otherpontiff with simple human wisdom could have done察for if he had waitedin Rome until he could get away察with his plans arranged and everythingfixed察as any other pontiff would have done察he would never havesucceeded。 Because the King of France would have made a thousandexcuses察and the others would have raised a thousand fears。I will leave his other actions alone察as they were all alike察and theyall succeeded察for the shortness of his life did not let him experiencethe contrary察but if circumstances had arisen to gocautiously察his ruin would have followed察because he would never havedeviated from those ways to which nature inclined him。I conclude therefore that察fortune being changeful and mankind steadfastin their ways察so long as the two are in agreement men are successfulbut unsuccessful when they fall out。 For my part I consider that it isbetter to be adventurous than cautious察because fortune is a woman察andif you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill´use herand it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurousrather than by those who go to work more coldly。 She is察thereforealways察woman´like察a lover of young men察because they are lesscautious察more violent察and with more audacity mand her。CHAPTER XXVIAN EXHORTATION TO LIBERATE ITALY FROM THE BARBARIANSHAVING carefully considered the subject of the above discourses察andwondering within myself whether the present times were propitious to anew prince察and whether there were the elements that would give anopportunity to a wise and virtuous one to introduce a new order ofthings which would do honour to him and good to the people of thiscountry察it appears to me that so many things concur to favour a newprince that I never knew a time more fit than the present。And if察as I said察it was necessary that the people of Israel should becaptive so as to make manifest the ability of Moses察that the Persiansshould be oppressed by the Medes so as to discover the greatness of thesoul of Cyrus察and that the Athenians should be dispersed to illustratethe capabilities of Theseus此then at the present time察in order todiscover the virtue of an Italian spirit察it was necessary that Italyshould be reduced to the extremity she is now in察that she should bemore enslaved than the Hebrews察more oppressed than the Persians察morescattered than the Athenians察without head察without order察beatendespoiled察torn察overrun察and to have endured every kind of desolation。Although lately some spark may have been shown by one察which made usthink he was ordained by God for our redemption察nevertheless it wasafterwards seen察in the height of his career察that fortune rejected himso that Italy察left as without life察waits for him who shall yet healher wounds and put an end to the ravaging and plundering of Lombardy察tothe swindling and taxing of the kingdom and of Tuscany察and cleansethose sores that for long have festered。 It is seen how she entreats Godto send someone who shall deliver her from these wrongs and barbarousinsolencies。 It is seen also that she is ready and willing to follow abanner if only someone will raise it。Nor is there to be seen at present one in whom she can place more hopethan in your illustrious house察with its valour and fortune察favoured byGod and by the Church of which it is now the chief察and which could bemade the head of this redemption。 This will not be difficult if you willrecall to yourself the actions and lives of the men I have named。 Andalthough they were great and wonderful men察yet they were men察and eachone of them had no more opportunity than the present offers察for theirenterprises were neither more just nor easier than this察nor was Godmore their friend than He is yours。With us there is great justice察because that war is just which isnecessary察and arms are hallowed when there is no other hope but inthem。 Here there is the greatest willingness察and where the willingnessis great the difficulties cannot be great if you will only follow thosemen to whom I have directed your attention。 Further than this察howextraordinarily the ways of God have been manifested beyond example此thesea is divided察a cloud has led the way察the rock has poured forthwater察it has rained manna察everything has contributed to yourgreatness察you ought to do the rest。 God is not willing to doeverything察and thus take away our free will and that share of glorywhich belongs to us。And it is not to be wondered at if none of the above´named Italians havebeen able to acplish all that is expected from your illustrioushouse察and if in so many revolutions in Italy察and in so many campaignsit has always appeared as if military virtue were exhausted察this hashappened because the old order of things was not good察and none of ushave known how to find a new one。 And nothing honours a man more than toestablish new laws and new ordinances when he himself was newly risen。Such things when they are well founded and dignified will make himrevered and admired察and in Italy there are not wanting opportunities tobring such into use in every form。Here there is great valour in the limbs whilst it fails in the head。Look attentively at the duels and the hand´to´hand bats察how superiorthe Italians are in strength察dexterity察and subtlety。 But when it esto armies they do not bear parison察and this springs entirely fromthe insufficiency of the leaders察since those who are capable are notobedient察and each one seems to himself to know察there having never beenany one so distinguished above the rest察either by valour or fortunethat others would yield to him。 Hence it is that for so long a time察andduring so much fighting in the past twenty years察whenever there hasbeen an army wholly Italian察it has always given a poor account ofitself察as witness Taro察Alessandria察Capua察Genoa察Vaila察BolognaMestre。If察therefore察your illustrious house wishes to follow those remarkablemen who have redeemed their country察it is necessary before all thingsas a true foundation for every enterprise察to be provided with your ownforces察because there can be no more faithful察truer察or bettersoldiers。 And although singly they are good察altogether they will bemuch better when they find themselves manded by their princehonoured by him察and maintained at his expense。 Therefore it isnecessary to be prepared with such arms察so that you can be defendedagainst foreigners by Italian valour。And although Swiss and Spanish infantry may be considered veryformidable察nevertheless there is a defect in both察by reason of which athird order would not only be able to oppose them察but might be reliedupon to overthrow them。 For the Spaniards cannot resist cavalry察and theSwitzers are afraid of infantry whenever they encounter them in closebat。 Owing to this察as has been and may again be seen察the Spaniardsare unable to resist French cavalry察and the Switzers are overthrown byinfantry。 And although a plete proof of this latter cannot be shownnevertheless there was some evidence of it at the battle of Ravennawhen the Spanish infantry were confronted by German battalions察whofollow the same tactics as the Swiss察when the Spaniards察by agility ofbody and with the aid of their shields察got in under the pikes of theGermans and stood out of danger察able to attack察while the Germans stoodhelpless察and察if the cavalry had not dashed up察all would have beenover with them。 It is possible察therefore察knowing the defects of boththese infantries察to invent a new one察which will resist cavalry and notbe afraid of infantry察this need not create a new order of arms察but avariation upon the old。 And these are the kind of improvements whichconfer reputation and power upon a new prince。This opportunity察therefore察ought not to be allowed to pass for lettingItaly at last see her liberator appear。 Nor can one express the lovewith which he would be received in all those provinces which havesuffered so much from these foreign scourings察with what thirst forrevenge察with what stubborn faith察with what devotion察with what tears。What door would be closed to him拭Who would refuse obedience to himWhat envy would hinder him拭What Italian would refuse him homage拭To allof us this barbarous dominion stinks。 Let察therefore察your illustrioushouse take up this charge with that courage and hope with which all justenterprises are undertaken察so that under its standard our nativecountry may be ennobled察and under its auspices may be verified thatsaying of Petrarch此 Virtu contro al Furore Prendera l'arme察e fia il batter corto此 Che l'antico valore Negli italici cuor non e ancor morto。 11。 Virtue against fury shall advance the fight察 And it i' th' bat soon shall put to flight察 For the old Roman察valour is not dead察 Nor in th' Italians' breasts extinguished。
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