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the world i live in-今戴,伸責徭勧(哂猟井)-及10何蛍

酔楯荷恬: 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈 梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何! 泌惚云慕短嗤堋響頼誅卒亮茂俊彭堋響辛聞喘貧圭 "辺茄欺厘議箝誓匂" 孔嬬 才 "紗秘慕禰" 孔嬬

were put to rout by a huge elephant which lumbered in with Rudyard
Kipling riding high on its trunk。 The elephant changed suddenly to ;a
rakish craft。; I do not know what a rakish craft is察but this was very
rakish and very crafty。 It must have been abandoned long ago by wild
pirates of the southern seas察for clinging to the rigging察and jovially
cheering as the ship went down察I made out a man with blazing eyes察clad
in a velveteen jacket。 As the ship disappeared from sight察Falstaff
rushed to the rescue of the lonely navigator´´and stole his purse But
Miranda persuaded him to give it back。 Stevenson said察 Who steals my
purse steals trash。; Falstaff laughed and called this a good joke察as
good as any he had heard in his day。

This was the signal for a rushing swarm of quotations。 They surged to
and fro察an inchoate throng of half finished phrases察mutilated
sentences察parodied sentiments察and brilliant metaphors。 I could not
distinguish any phrases or ideas of my own making。 I saw a poor察ragged
shrunken sentence that might have been mine own catch the wings of a
fair idea with the light of genius shining like a halo about its head。

Ever and anon the dancers changed partners without invitation or
permission。 Thoughts fell in love at sight察married in a measure察and
joined hands without previous courtship。 An incongruity is the wedding
of two thoughts which have had no reasonable courtship察and marriages
without wooing are apt to lead to domestic discord察even to the breaking
up of an ancient察time´honoured family。 Among the wedded couples were
certain similes hitherto inviolable in their bachelorhood and
spinsterhood察and held in great respect。 Their extraordinary proceedings
nearly broke up the dance。 But the fatuity of their union was evident to
them察and they parted。 Other similes seemed to have the habit of living
in discord。 They had been many times married and divorced。 They belonged
to the notorious society of Mixed Metaphors。

A pany of phantoms floated in and out wearing tantalizing garments
of oblivion。 They seemed about to dance察then vanished。 They reappeared
half a dozen times察but never unveiled their faces。 The imp Curiosity
pulled Memory by the sleeve and said察 Why do they run away拭'Tis
strange knavery ─Out ran Memory to capture them。 After a great deal of
racing and puffing and collision it apprehended some of the fugitives
and brought them in。 But when it tore off their masks察lo some were
disappointingly monplace察and others were gipsy quotations trying to
conceal the punctuation marks that belonged to them。 Memory was much
chagrined to have had such a hard chase only to catch this sorry lot of
graceless rogues。

Into the rabble strode four stately giants who called themselves
History察Philosophy察Law察and Medicine。 They seemed too solemn and
imposing to join in a masque。 But even as I gazed at these formidable
guests察they all split into fragments which went whirling察dancing in
divisions察subdivisions察re´subdivisions of scientific nonsense History
split into philology察ethnology察anthropology察and mythology察and these
again split finer than the splitting of hairs。 Each speciality hugged
its bit of knowledge and waltzed it round and round。 The rest of the
pany began to nod察and I felt drowsy myself。 To put an end to the
solemn gyrations察a troop of fairies mercifully waved poppies over us
all察the masque faded察my head fell察and I started。 Sleep had wakened
me。 At my elbow I found my old friend Bottom。

;Bottom察─I said察 I have had a dream past the wit of man to say what
dream it was。 Methought I was´´there is no man can tell what。 The eye of
man hath not heard察the ear of man hath not seen察his hand is not able
to taste察his tongue to conceive察nor his heart to report what my dream



          ;_My wings are folded o'er mine ears
            My wings are crossed o'er mine eyes
            Yet through their silver shade appears
            And through their lulling plumes arise
            A Shape察a throng of sounds。_;

                     _Shelley's ;Prometheus Unbound。;_

          I DARE not ask why we are reft of light
          Banished to our solitary isles amid the unmeasured seas
          Or how our sight was nurtured to glorious vision
          To fade and vanish and leave us in the dark alone。
          The secret of God is upon our tabernacle
          Into His mystery I dare not pry。 Only this I know
          With Him is strength察with Him is wisdom
          And His wisdom hath set darkness in our paths。
         _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_

          O Dark thou awful察sweet察and holy Dark
          In thy solemn spaces察beyond the human eye
          God fashioned His universe察laid the foundations of the earth
          Laid the measure thereof察and stretched the line upon it
          Shut up the sea with doors察and made the glory
          Of the clouds a covering for it
          manded His morning察and察behold chaos fled
          Before the uplifted face of the sun
          Divided a water´course for the overflowing of waters
          Sent rain upon the earth´´
          Upon the wilderness wherein there was no man
          Upon the desert where grew no tender herb
          And察lo there was greenness upon the plains
          And the hills were clothed with beauty
         _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_

          O Dark thou secret and inscrutable Dark
          In thy silent depths察the springs whereof man hath not fathomed
          God wrought the soul of man。
          O Dark passionate察all´knowing Dark
          Tenderly察as shadows to the evening察es thy message to man。
          Softly thou layest thy hand on his tired eyelids
          And his soul察weary and homesick察returns
          Unto thy soothing embrace。
         _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_

          O Dark wise察vital察thought´quickening Dark
          In thy mystery thou hidest the light
          That is the soul's life。
          Upon thy solitary shores I walk unafraid
          I dread no evil察though I walk in the valley of the shadow
          I shall not know the ecstasy of fear
          When gentle Death leads me through life's open door
          When the bands of night are sundered
          And the day outpours its light。
         _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_

          The timid soul察fear´driven察shuns the dark
          But upon the cheeks of him who must abide in shadow
          Breathes the wind of rushing angel´wings
          And round him falls a light from unseen fires。
          Magical beams glow athwart the darkness
          Paths of beauty wind through his black world
          To another world of light
          Where no veil of sense shuts him out from Paradise。
          _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_

          O Dark thou blessed察quiet Dark
          To the lone exile who must dwell with thee
          Thou art benign and friendly
          From the harsh world thou dost shut him in
          To him thou whisperest the secrets of the wondrous night
          Upon him thou bestowest regions wide and boundless as his spirit
          Thou givest a glory to all humble things
          With thy hovering pinions thou coverest all unlovely objects
          Under thy brooding wings there is peace。
          _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_


          Once in regions void of light I wandered
          In blank darkness I stumbled
          And fear led me by the hand
          My feet pressed earthward
          Afraid of pitfalls。
          By many shapeless terrors of the night affrighted
          To the wakeful day
          I held out beseeching arms。

          Then came Love察bearing in her hand
          The torch that is the light unto my feet
          And softly spoke Love此 Hast thou
          Entered into the treasures of darkness
          Hast thou entered into the treasures of the night
          Search out thy blindness。 It holdeth
          Riches past puting。;

          The words of Love set my spirit aflame。
          My eager fingers searched out the mysteries
          The splendours察the inmost sacredness察of things
          And in the vacancies discerned
          With spiritual sense the fullness of life
          And the gates of Day stood wide。

          I am shaken with gladness
          My limbs tremble with joy
          My heart and the earth
          Tremble with happiness
          The ecstasy of life
          Is abroad in the world。

          Knowledge hath uncurtained heaven
          On the uttermost shores of darkness there is light
          Midnight hath sent forth a beam
          The blind that stumbled in darkness without light
          Behold a new day
          In the obscurity gleams the star of Thought
          Imagination hath a luminous eye
          And the mind hath a glorious vision。


          ;The man is blind。 What is life to him
          A closed book held up against a sightless face。
          Would that he could see
          Yon beauteous star察and know
          For one transcendent moment
          The palpitating joy of sight 

          All sight is of the soul。
          Behold it in the upward flight
          Of the unfettered spirit Hast thou seen
          Thought bloom in the blind child's face
          Hast thou seen his mind grow
          Like the running dawn察to grasp
          The vision of the Master
          It was the miracle of inward sight。

          In the realms of wonderment where I dwell
          I explore life with my hands
          I recognize察and am happy
          My fingers are ever athirst for the earth
          And drink up its wonders with delight
          Draw out earth's dear delights
          My feet are charged with the murmur
          The throb察of all things that grow。

          This is touch察this quivering
          This flame察this ether
          This glad rush of blood
          This daylight in my heart
          This glow of sympathy in my palms
          Thou blind察loving察all´prying touch
          Thou openest the book of life to me。

          The noiseless little noises of the earth
          e with softest rustle
          The shy察sweet feet of life
          The silky mutter of moth´wings
          Against my restraining palm
          The strident beat of insect´wings
          The silvery trickle of water
          Little breezes busy in the summer grass
          The music of crisp察whisking察scurrying leaves
          The swirling察wind´swept察frost´tinted leaves
          The crystal splash of summer rain
          Saturate with the odours of the sod。

          With alert fingers I listen
          To the showers of sound
          That the wind shakes from the forest。
          I bathe in the liquid shade
          Under the pines察where the air hangs cool
          After the shower is done。
          My saucy little friend the squirrel
          Flips my shoulder with his tail
          Leaps from leafy billow to leafy billow
          Returns to eat his breakfast from my hand。
          Between us there is glad sympathy
          He gambols察my pulses dance
          I am exultingly full of the joy of life

          Have not my fingers split the sand
          On the sun´flooded beach
          Hath not my naked body felt the water sing
          When the sea hath enveloped it
          With rippling music
          Have I not felt
          The lilt of waves beneath my boat
          The flap of sail
          The strain of mast
          The wild rush
          Of the lightning´charged winds
          Have I not smelt the swift察keen flight
          Of winged odours before the tempest
          Here is joy awake察aglow
          Here is the tumult of the heart。

          My hands evoke sight and sound out of feeling
          Intershifting the senses endlessly
          Linking motion with sight察odour with sound
          They give colour to the honeyed breeze
          The measure and passion of a symphony
          To the beat and quiver of unseen wings。
          In the secrets of earth and sun and air
          My fingers are wise
          They snatch light out of darkness
          They thrill to harmonies breathed in silence。

          I walked in the stillness of the night
          And my soul uttered her gladness。
          O Night察still察odorous Night察I love thee
          O wide察spacious Night察I love thee
          O steadfast察glorious Night
          I touch thee with my hands
          I lean against thy strength
          I am forted。

          O fathomless察soothing Night
          Thou art a balm to my restless spirit
          I nestle gratefully in thy bosom
          Dark察gracious mother
          Like a dove察I rest in thy bosom。
          _Out of the uncharted察unthinkable dark we came
          And in a little time we shall return again
          Into the vast察unanswering dark。_

       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber's Note

Page 223察 similies; changed to ;similes; Other similes seemed


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