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Thus; when the glad shouts of the Amazons died away; Bela raised her formidable voice。 〃We thank you and praise yon for this benevolence; Haydon; First Mother! Yet what is do nature of the task you require of us?〃

There were some angry mutterings from her subjects over her impertinence。

GO FORTH NOW AND GATHER IN ALL OF THE FLOWERS OF LIFE THAT HAVE NOT REACHED FRUITION。 THOSE THAT HAVE BORNE FRUIT OR WILL BEAR IT; LET BE。 ALL OTHERS ARE NOW CONSECRATED TO ME。 Immature Flowers? 〃Protoculture;〃 Bela breathed to herself; not daring to say it aloud。 Then; as loudly as she could; she demanded; 〃Why does the First Mother want Protoculture? We; who have fought in wars caused by it; must know for what purpose it is intended!〃

The objections and chastisements of the crowd were louder。 〃What does it matter?〃 〃You blaspheme!〃 〃Anything! Anything for the Whaashi!〃

The former Sentinel allies had engaged in open bat; and the political brew of the Local Group was turning toxic。 The concerns and dangers of other planets were no longer the Praxians' affair; especially since defying Haydon would jeopardize the granting of the Whaashi。 Such was the popular sentiment in the plaza。

The singular organ in the center of Haydon's forehead burgeoned open and lit like a star。 Her wrathful voice filled their minds。 THAT IS NOT FOR YOU TO QUESTION! DO AS I BID YOU OR FEEL MY DISPLEASURE!

Even more terrifyingly; Optera/New Praxis ground like ill璮itting bones under their feet。 The Amazons; who had already lost one homeworld to upheaval; moaned their dismay。

There were hundreds of voices crying out to surrender the Flowers。 Bela drew her weighty; two…handed shortsword from its scabbard so that the blade flashed with light from the torches and from glimmering Haydon。

〃I forbid it! Not until we know the purpose behind this mandment。〃

She had received word of the SDF…3's disappearance; of course; and the events at Haydon IV…conflicting reports that only added to her misgivings about setting free more Protoculture。 The apparition Haydon might even somehow be the trick of an unknown enemy。

But the crowd was not with her。 Their fear of Haydon's anger and planetary catastrophe and their need for the Whaashi were too great。 With a unified roar; they swept up the steps。

Bela's personal bodyguard wavered; some of them more attuned to the crowd's position than to the queen's。 But it hardly mattered; hesitating to hack or open fire on their own Sisters; they went down under the wave of tall fighting women。

Bela herself stood straddle…legged on the steps; sword in one fist; assault pistol in the other; to meet them。 But when she saw faces she loved; rades she'd served with; mothers of children she'd held ing for her; she knew she could not do them harm。

The crowd had stopped short before her; daunted by her even in the extremity of their passion。

Bela holstered her pistol; sheathed her sword; and stood with arms hanging limply at her sides。 The crowd turned back the way it had e。 Already Amazons were organizing harvesting operations。 Haydon; looking down; found Her handiwork good。

〃And so the final phase of my…Zor's…plan was set in motion;〃 Rem said。

He lifted his hand to Rick and Lisa Hunter。 〃And the cycle of the story es around to Earth once more。 The last planet Zor seeded; or rather; in Earth's case; reseeded with the Flower。 With the SDF…l。〃

〃And Zentraedi help;〃 Kazianna murmured while she was mulling over all the things he had told them。

〃Yes; the first to fall prey to the lure of song;〃 Rem told her soberly。 He reached out his arm to encircle Minmei's shoulders。 〃I suppose every child of Tirol is susceptible to it; really。

〃The Protoculture gave me insights into the power of the Cosmic Harp and how music could throw down even the Robotech Masters' mental domination。〃

Dolza found that out; Lisa thought; but kept it to herself so as not to switch the conversational track。

They were assembled in the big bilevel conference area?most of the leaders and certain others whose testimony was pertinent。 Caffie and other refreshments had been brought。 Screens kept a constant vigil on the children and their chanting; but nothing seemed to have changed except that Aurora's term phased in and out from time to time。 She would not or could not respond to any of the grown…ups; but everyone got de feeling there was a lot of information being exchanged between her and the SDF…3's children。

〃With music; Zor…reprogrammed; I guess you could say; a few of the Zentraedi most loyal to him;〃 Rem said。 〃Although I prefer to think of it as liberating them。 It never occurred to the Masters that the Zentraedi could find a cause higher than obedience。〃

〃Lucky for Earth they didn't learn their lesson;〃 Rick whispered to Lisa。

The thought troubled her for a moment。 What if the Robotech Masters had somehow eliminated their Achilles' heel? Surely Earth would have been devastated far worse than ever Optera was。

But it had not happened; it was not meant to。 She dismissed the thought; it was not time to be morbid。

And yet she felt sure the thoughts and feelings of all aboard were being probed and in some cases manipulated。

Lisa hurried to get a word in before Lang could; the scientist looked half…ecstatic; half…deranged with all that new insight。 〃Rem; we must stick to the point。 What is the nature of new…space; is there really a relief ship on the way; and are all personnel safe at the moment?〃

She meant the children; and no one begrudged her the preoccupation。 Rem replied; 〃Just so。 I believe the story told by Gnea and Sergeant Dante is entirely true。 I believe that all that has happened is tied in with the master plan of Haydon。

〃The Regis told you both that she; which is the same as to say her entire race; now desires a return to the Invid's pre璟or state on Optera; isn't that right?〃

Angelo responded; 〃Yes; sir;〃 and Gnea inclined her head; making her malthi…winged helmet glitter。

〃Very well。 Ladies and gentlemen; Zor's dream has e to pass;〃 Rem said。 〃The fleet you sent to Earth must have driven her from it in a supreme mating with the Protoculture itself。 But for whatever reason…I suspect because the Regis was forced into it by violence…this transcendence has not worked out as intended。〃

〃We find ourselves in a situation of danger not only to ourselves but to the entire universe。 I believe that unless some solution is found; by the nature of Protoculture; all of the Creation that we know will vanish as if it never existed。〃

At his end of the table Lang watched and listened to Rem with a fascination and a sense of dismay that had been growing for months。

The clone had been scarcely more than a boy when the REF had first encountered him。 Now; grown and filled out; he was very much the image of Zor; albeit with some slight genetic alteration。 But even more tellingly; in the wake of his clonesong dreams; he spoke with the voice of Zor…with an utter certainty about the nature of Protoculture and the fate of spacetime。

Lang studied Rem's face。 It was the same countenance Lang had first viewed decades ago on the other side of the galaxy; ageless and graceful。 Then it had stared out of a screen and had spoken inprehensible words。 Now it lived before him。

Lang listened carefully to what Rem was saying; but within the scientist there was a pall; a feeling of total defeat。 Despite all his assumptions and all his efforts; it was not Lang that new…space was trying to contact; to use and deal with。 The mantle of ultimate Protoculture destiny had fallen on Rem。

All Lang's hopes were dashed。 It had been his creed that the Protoculture had sought him out; that he was at the center of the Shapings。 Now he saw the cruelty of it; that he was so more a luminary of the Shapings than one of the children or Sentinel fighters; perhaps no more than that overmuscled tank sergeant; Dante。

It couldn't be! He'd e too far。 He refused to be done out of his place in the Shapings。 But how to avoid it?

Lang was a past master at concealing his feelings。 Nothing domed on his face; but inside he felt an icy thrill of hope and dread。

The Shapings had e full circle; and in some ways the pattern was ripe for repeating。 Or if not; at least Lang's place in the great cycle would be secure。


Those critics contending that the personnel of SDF…3 were unforgivably blind…in not seeing the implications of their own behavior in terms of the 〃birth; trauma〃 nature of their transit into new…space…are nothing but (God forgive me) lard…bottomed armchair generals。
Given the stresses of what they were going through; the emotional wringer pressing out every one of them; and the demands of constant strife and danger; the SDFers' confusion was almost inevitable。
Only children; fools; and those who have never known hardship could argue otherwise。
Pastor Basil Yanamamo; Pipeline: Experiences in Birth and Death

〃Karen; wait!〃

He had finished postflighting his Alpha and had rushed so that he wouldn't miss her; but somehow she had pleted her task even quicker and left the flight deck。

As he caught up with her in the passageway; Karen spun on her boot heel; tapping her toe; arms crossed; features posed in heavy weather warnings。 〃Make it brief; Jack。〃

He trotted to a stop; feeling something that would have been akin to deja vu if he had not known exactly where he'd felt it before: every time they had squabbled; disagreed; clashed; or vied for the upper hand。

〃Aah; it's no big thing。 Just thought we could hit the mess if you want some pany for dinner。〃

She was not looking any kindlier。 〃Don't you want to find out what's going on at the meeting?〃

〃You mean what went on; I heard it's just breaking up。 But by the time we grab a bite; there'll probably be an intel summary we can get a peek at。〃

Her eyes narrowed。 〃Then maybe stop for one or two at the officers' club? Possibly a dance?〃

Actually; that was just what he had in mind。 He answered warily; 〃Why; is there something wrong with that?〃

〃Hah! Honestly; Baker; there're cockpit canopies harder to see through than you are!〃

〃Who aho wha was all he got in。

〃This is so typical;〃 Karea said through clenched teeth。 〃We're stuck in newspace or wherever it is; possibly forever; and suddenly it hits you that we should be seeing more of each other。〃

〃Well; yeah; that just happens to be the case;〃 he said lamely。 Then he heard laughter and realized that there were some enlisted ratings standing back by the hatch; ordnance men and women taking a break before going back to rearming the mecha。

〃Haven't you goddamn BB stackers got anything better to do?〃 he railed at them。 When he looked back; Karen was gone。

This time he had to grab her sleeve to stop her; and he thought for a moment she was going to sock him。 At least they were out of anyone else's earshot。

〃Have it your way; Karen! Let's go back to the cats…and…dogs routine。〃

〃My way? I want you to think about that; Jack。 Remember back when we were stranded on Praxis and you got so domestic? Even though you put on a front when there was anyone else around。 You were the one who was all set to plow the north forty; lasso goats; and raise us'ns up a crop of rug runners。 Right?

〃Then we get off the planet and back into the war; and your priorities revert。 That's your pattern。 When you were laid up after Burak gored you; you were actually acting human for a while; but once you were up and around; ugh!〃

Jack had his mouth open to object; but Karen had been saving this one up for a long time; and he didn't stand a chance。 〃And now we're beached here in new…space and you're making an approach run。 Well; spare us both the thrill; Baker!〃

〃You knew I was insecure and thoughtless when you got me to fall in love with you!〃 he hollered。

Karen uttered a wordless ki…yi and tried to take his nose off with a snap kick。 Jack just managed to fall back but tripped over a stanchion and whapped the back of his head on a viewport rim; going down。

He sat there seeing stars。 〃King's X! What're you; working for the Invid?〃

She was torn between concern and the urge to do mayhem。 〃Oh; Baker; damn your eyes!〃 She knelt by him。 〃Here; let's see。〃

〃No! Ouch! You're just trying to finish the job。〃

〃Stuff it; you big baby。 You didn't even break the skin。〃 She released him and let him get up by himself。

〃You made your point; Karen。 You don't want me to talk to you unless I've already talked to you several times earlier that same day。〃

〃Stop trying to twist things; Jack。〃

〃Yeah; all right。 I bet you think that effing Sean Phillips is more considerate; right?〃

He rubbed his head gingerly; gazing out the viewport。 There were more stars than there had been a while ago。 〃D' you suppose she's bringing in biota?〃


〃You heard what Dante said about the Regis。 All these stars she's making appear here in new…space…Are there lifeforms on them? Maybe even intelligent ones? Is she ripping them off from someplace else or just thinking them up?〃 

〃You're asking the wrong woman。〃

〃Mmm。 Okay; look; how about dinner a week from Friday?〃

〃I don't think they have Fridays in new…space; Jack。〃 She turned toward the officers' mess; more slowly this time。 He fell in beside her。 〃How about breakfast tomorrow? In my bunk?〃

Bowie; the Muses; Sean; and Marie had stayed well back during the meeting。 There were plenty of astonishing revelations but not really much anybody could say or do about anything梒ertainly not the ex…UEG fighters or the siren Muses。

As the meeting began to break up; Sean yanked Bowie's sleeve and pointed with a sneaky smile and half…lidded eyes。 Angelo Dante had wandered over to the hatch just about the time Gnea; her attention seemingly elsewhere; had eased back out of the crowd。

A look passed between the two。 Gnea left; and Dante hung back; scanning the partment to see if anyone had noticed them。

〃Don't let him see you watching!〃 Sean hissed。 The ATACs and Marie quickly glanced elsewhere。 Musica and Allegra gazed at them unprehendingly; then at each other; so the effect was the same。 A moment later Angie was gone。

〃Angelo Dante?〃 Bowie boggled。 〃No; must've been something that wants us to think it's Angelo Dante。〃

Musica had caught on; and she was smiling; too; slipping her arm through Bowie's。 But Allegra said slowly; 〃You mean you think he's not human?〃

Marie Crystal laughed。 〃Oh; no; he's human; all right; no matter how he tries to hide it。 I bet he and Gnea are gonna Indian wrestle to see who carries whom across the threshold。〃

Sean sighed and made lewd; fishy kissing noises at her until he realized that two senior staff officers were glaring at him。 Marie added; 〃Now that I think about it; though; there's been a lot of slap and tickle going on since we entered newspace。〃

〃If I understood it right; that's what Lang was driving at;〃 Bowie put in thoughtfully。 〃Maybe creating a newspace macroverse is like writing a song。 You can't just haul off and do it cold; you haveta draw on inspiration。〃

That had them all silent and thinking。 The loves and attractions of the SDF…3's plement were only part of the mental and emotional baggage they carried。

〃It occurs to me that maybe we all want to be real careful about what we think and say and do around her
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