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           generated code is a thin functional layer on top of the ADO code that maps directly to the  

           tables that you are manipulating。 

                When you are developing an application that accesses a relational database; you need to  

           consider the following issues: 

                ADO drivers : When you write ADO code; you will need an ADO driver for  

                each database。 Thus; if you wish to use MySQL; you will need a MySQL driver。 However;  

                for the most part; the code that you write in your application will remain identical; regard

                less of which type of database you are using。  

                Abstraction : There will always be differences in the code used to access different relational  

                databases。 Be prepared to abstract your database code if you access the database directly  

                using ADO。  

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Designing a Database Using Visual Basic Express 

Visual Basic Express is very helpful when designing and building database applications。 It provides  

interface…based tools for designing the database; managing connections; and managing data  


     With Visual Basic Express; you can directly integrate the ADO drivers for only Microsoft  

SQL Server。 (This does not mean you cannot use a different ADO driver using code。) If you  

want to use the GUI tools for a database driver other than for SQL Server; you will need to upgrade  

your Visual Studio edition。 For this chapter’s examples; we’ll use the SQL Server Express Edition  

driver (http://msdn。microsoft。/vstudio/express/sql/)。 

     You can add the GUI tool…based database support to any Visual Basic project type。 For this  

chapter; we’ll use a console project called DatabaseConsoleEx。 

     After you have created the  DatabaseConsoleEx console project in Visual Basic Express  

(using the procedure outlined in Chapter 1); you can set up the database; and then add tables  

to your new database。 

Configuring the Data Source 

Using the Visual Basic Express Data Source Configuration Wizard; you can add a database as  

your data source; set up the database connection; and select database objects to include in the  

project。 Follow these steps to use the wizard: 

     1。  Select Data  Add New Data Source to start the Data Source Configuration Wizard。 

     2。  Choose Database as the data source and click Next。 

     3。  You’re asked to choose a data connection。 When choosing the data connection; you are  

         defining the connection settings to your relational database。 Since we are creating a  

         new database in this example; click the New Connection button。 

     4。  Choose Microsoft SQL Server Database File and click Continue。 

     5。  In the Add Connection dialog box; fill in the database file name。 For this example; enter  

         the name lottery。 Visual Basic Express will automatically add an 。mdf extension to the  

         file name to indicate that it is a SQL Server file and save it in your My Documents folder  

         by default。 Click OK to add the connection and select Yes when asked to choose to create  

         the file if it doesn’t exist。 

     6。  The Choose Your Data Connection screen reappears with your data connection filled  

         in。 Click Next。 

     7。  Since we’re using a SQL Server Express Edition driver for this example; the dialog box  

         shown in Figure 14…2 appears。 It asks if the database file can be copied into the project。  

         Click Yes。  

     8。  You are asked if you want the application configuration information added to the project。  

         Click Next to add the information。 

     9。  The Choose Your Database Objects screen appears。 Since this is a SQL Server Express  

         Edition file; it doesn’t have any tables。 If the database connection referenced a relational  

         database that already existed; database objects would be available。 Click Finish。 

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           Figure 14…2。 Adding the SQL Server Express Edition file to the local project 

                Visual Basic Express will rebuild your project。 When it is finished; the result will be similar  

           to the project structure shown in Figure 14…3。 

           Figure 14…3。 Modifications made to the Visual Basic Express project 

                The Visual Basic Express project contains a reference to a file that is provided by Microsoft  

           SQL Server Express Edition。 The diagram shown earlier in Figure 14…1 indicates that a database  

           server is another process that you access using a client library。 In about 80% of the cases; this is  

           true; but some database servers are file…based。 These types of databases are used in simpler  

           single…user database applications。 From a programming perspective; nothing changes; and the  

           source code should not even be aware of whether the database is a file or server process。  

           Adding the Tables 

           In Visual Basic Express; you can add tables to your database using the Database Explorer。  

           Through the Database Explorer; you can modify all of the data objects available within the  

           database。 Here are the general steps for adding a table: 

                1。  Right…click the lottery。mdf file in the Solution Explorer and select Open to open the  

                    Database Explorer。 The Database Explorer displays information about the database。 

                2。  Right…click the Tables node and select Add New Table to open a window for creating the  

                    new table; as shown in Figure 14…4。 

                3。  Specify the column name and type for each column in the table。 You can also specify  

                    other details about each column; such as its length and whether it must be unique。  

                4。  Once you have entered the column information; save the table (Ctrl+S) and give it a  

                    name。 For this example; we will add three tables: draws; persons; and winners。 The following  

                    sections describe the columns and types for these tables。  

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Figure 14…4。 Creating a new table 

      Each column of a table must have a name and type。 Just as Visual Basic has types; so does  

a database。 What is frustrating about database types is that they are similar but not identical to  

Visual Basic types。 To make things even more frustrating; not all database implementations  

have the exact same types。 Fortunately; if you use the Visual Studio tools; the wizard will map  

a specific database type to a Visual Basic type。 

■Tip  The Microsoft Visual Studio documentation has an excellent reference on the various data types  

and their accuracy。 See the “Data Types” section of the Microsoft SQL Server Books Online documentation  


Draws Table 

The draws table contains all of the drawn lottery numbers。 Table 14…1 shows the column names  

and types for this table。 

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           Table 14…1。 Draws Table Columns 

           Name                       Type 

           draw_date                  datetime 

           first_number               int 

           second_number              int 

           third_number               int 

           fourth_number              int 

           fifth_number               int 

           sixth_number               int 

           bonus                      int 

                The draw_date column holds the date of the draw。 The declared type is datetime; which  

           is like the datetime type in 。 However; you will need to be careful in mapping types; as  

           explained in Chapter 3。 

                The rest of the columns represent a number in the winning draw; including the bonus  

           number。 As in Visual Basic; SQL Server includes various numeric types。 The number columns  

           in the draws table are declared as the  int type。 

           ■Note  The one SQL Server numeric type that does not exist in  is numeric。 This type behaves like the  

           decimal type in ; except for the precision。 With numeric; you can specify the number of digits before  

           and after the decimal point。 

           Persons Table 

           The persons table lists all of the people who have won a lottery drawing。 Table 14…2 shows the  

           column names and types for the persons table。 

           Table 14…2。 Persons Table Columns 

           Name               Type 

           id                 uniqueidentifier 

           first_name         nvarchar(100) 

           last_name          nvarchar(100) 

                The persons table is a collection of people with their first names and last names。 The challenge  

           in a relational database is uniquely identifying a user。 Think of it as trying to define a unique  

           hash code。 The solution most databases use is a number。 When you have millions of records; a  

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number might not be adequate as a unique identifier。 In that case; you can use the SQL Server  

uniqueidentifier type; as we’re doing for the id column of the  persons table。 

     The first_name and  last_name columns both have the type nvarchar(100)。 A string in a  

database behaves like a number type; in that strings have length limits。 In the example; we use  

the nvarchar type; for a variable…length string with a maximum length of 100 characters。 In  

contrast; specifying char(100) would give you a string 100 characters long; regardless of how  

many bytes contain letters。 If the entry in a char column has fewer characters than specified;  

the remainder of the char string is filled with space characters; by default。 

Winners Table 

The winners table matches the winning people to their lottery drawing。 Table 14…3 shows the  

column names and types for the winners table。 

Table 14…3。  Winners Table Columns 

Name                Type 

id                  uniqueidentifier 

draw_date           datetime 

     Both columns are the types of the specific columns in the tables being referenced。 The  

idea is to use the winners table in conjunction with the persons table and the draws table to  

create the list that shows who won which lottery drawing and their numbers。 

     After you’ve created the three tables; your Database Explorer will resemble Figure 14…5。 

Figure 14…5。 Modified database structure with the added tables 

     Now that we have a database with some tables; let’s see how to access that database  

directly; using ADO。 

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          Accessing the Database Using ADO 

          Accessing the database directly using ADO involves using the ADO interfaces。 The  

          first step is to define a connection。 Once the connection has been established; you can manip

          ulate the tables in the database—to add; remove; and update records。 

               Now we will continue with the sample lottery database created in the previous section。  

          We’ll write code to add; select; and delete records。 

          Connecting to a Database 

          Define a database connection with the following code; which illustrates a general approach  

          (added to the DatabaseConsoleEx application)。 

          Imports System。Data。SqlClient 

          。 。 。 

          Dim connection As IDbConnection = _ 

            New SqlConnection(DatabaseConsoleEx。My。Settings。Default。lotteryConnectionString) 

               We need to import the System。Data。SqlClient namespace because it contains the classes  

          to access and use SQL Server (that is; the ADO driver)。 

               The variable connection is a SqlConnection object; which is specifically for accessing SQL  

          Server。 Think of it as picking up the telephone and hearing the telephone tone。 The connection  

          requires a username; password; and the name of the database to which you want to connect; which  

          are bundled into a connection string。 That information is stored in lotteryConnectionString;  

          which was defined when you configured the data source in Visual Basic Express。 

               Once you have a connection instance; you can create a live connection; which is akin to  

          dialing a telephone number and hearing that telephone ring。 Here is the code for opening  

          the connection: 


               Now you can work with the tables in the database。  

          Closing a Database Connection 

          After having processed your SQL statements; you should close the connection to indicate that  

          you are finished using the database。 Here’s how: 


               It is good practice to open and close database connections as quickly as possible。 You  

          should open a connection only when you are absolutely ready; and close it as soon as you are  

          finished with it。 

          Adding Table Data 

          The draws database table you created earlier is empty。 Now we will add some content。 To add  

          data to a database using SQL; use the SQL INSERT mand; as follows: 

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Imports System。Data。SqlClient 

。 。 。 

    Dim cmd As IDbmand = _ 

      New Sqlmand(〃INSERT INTO draws (draw_date; first_number; second_number; 〃 _ 

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